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4 min read freshdesk branding

Freshdesk Branding for Enhanced Customer Success

Freshdesk brand­ing is a great foun­da­tion for build­ing your online pres­ence. It is a major brand­ing touch­point in your cus­tomers’ jour­ney and an impor­tant part of enhanced cus­tomer success.

Benefits of Freshdesk branding

There are numer­ous ben­e­fits of brand­ing your sup­port por­tal, but they can vary based on how your brand is perceived.

Cus­tomers who vis­it your Freshdesk site are look­ing for help. It’s a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate an over­all feel and expe­ri­ence through con­sis­tent brand personality.

Brand wher­ev­er your cus­tomers are online, your sup­port site included.

Professionally branded customer support site will help you:

  • Pro­mote your brand per­son­al­i­ty
  • Dif­fer­en­ti­ate your com­pa­ny from oth­ers in the marketplace
  • Build loy­al­ty among your customers
  • Increase sales and mar­ket share
  • Charge more for your prod­ucts and services
  • Align your visu­al iden­ti­ty with your brand val­ues

If you miss apply­ing your cor­po­rate brand­ing to your sup­port site, you will not only con­fuse your cus­tomers, but you might lose cred­i­bil­i­ty and under­mine their trust. As a result, this might be the start­ing point of los­ing your cus­tomers for good.

Freshdesk plans and branding

Freshdesk is a sup­port site solu­tion tai­lored to meet the needs of busi­ness­es of every size. Their slo­gan encour­ages every busi­ness own­er, while search­ing for the best sup­port por­tal solu­tion, to try Freshdesk.

pur­plenote: Cus­tomer Hap­pi­ness Starts at €0
– Freshdesk

Freshdesk has 5 dif­fer­ent pric­ing plans. Every Freshdesk plan comes with a 30-day free tri­al, and Sprout, the start­ing plan, is com­plete­ly free for up to 3 cus­tomer sup­port agents.

How­ev­er, each plan comes with a dif­fer­ent set of fea­tures, and when it comes to brand­ing, some Freshdesk plans have con­sid­er­ably rich­er brand­ing options than others.

Freshdesk branding options

To enhance your cus­tomer suc­cess through brand­ing, you will have to com­plete­ly cus­tomize your Freshdesk sup­port site. It’s best to choose the right plan from the start which will help you in achiev­ing your goals.

  • Sprout plan sup­ports only Basic brand­ing
  • Blos­som sup­ports Basic brand­ing + Sup­port por­tal cus­tom URL
  • Gar­den has more cus­tomiz­ing options with CSS cus­tomiza­tion
  • For­est plan has Advanced brand­ing options + FreshTheme usage, but with lim­it­ed styling options
  • Estate plan sup­ports Advanced brand­ing and FreshTheme usage with com­plete cus­tomiz­ing options

Basic Freshdesk branding

Basic Freshdesk brand­ing allows you to:

  • Upload your logo with linkback URL – Freshdesk logo size is 50 x 50 px so your logo size needs to be the same.
  • Change fav­i­con 16 x 16 px
  • Change fonts and font col­ors of almost all elements

The first les­son of brand­ing: mem­o­ra­bil­i­ty. It’s very dif­fi­cult buy­ing some­thing you can’t remem­ber. ~ John Hegarty

Freshdesk CSS customization

With CSS cus­tomiza­tion you can:

  • Change the appear­ance of every ele­ment, e.g. make fonts big­ger, change col­ors of any ele­ment or cre­ate 3D but­ton effects
  • Hide exist­ing ele­ments – The ele­ment will still exist but will not be vis­i­ble to visitors

Advanced Freshdesk branding

The For­est and Estate plans have slight­ly dif­fer­ent brand­ing abil­i­ties, but in essence, with both plans you can:

  • Change a lay­out of every page
  • Add new elements
  • Add your own javascript code

Freshdesk Themes

Freshdesk Themes, usu­al­ly referred to as FreshThemes, are ready-made, cus­tomiz­able tem­plates you can use to change your sup­port site appear­ance. FreshThemes are avail­able free of charge for all Freshdesk users.

You can use Freshdesk Themes exact­ly as they are with any plan, or you can tweak and cus­tomize them, but only if you are using the Estate or For­est plan.

All avail­able Freshdesk themes are pre­sent­ed and ready for down­load in the FreshThemes Gallery.

FreshThemes con­tain up to 17 dif­fer­ent text files. Each file is a dif­fer­ent set of data you can use to change the appear­ance of spe­cif­ic parts of your sup­port site. It means you can use files to change the col­or scheme and appear­ance of the whole site, or you can only use some of the files to change par­tic­u­lar parts of your site. For exam­ple, you can use Header.txt for cus­tomiz­ing head­er and Footer.txt for the foot­er. Some themes may come with few­er text files which means you can not change the appear­ance of all pages on your site, only using files pro­vid­ed in that theme.

Match your corporate branding to enhance your customer success

If you wish to cus­tomize your Freshdesk site to com­plete­ly match your cor­po­rate brand­ing, whether you chose to use a pre­ex­ist­ing FreshTheme or cre­ate your own theme from scratch, you have to be famil­iar with the fol­low­ing pro­gram­ming languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Liq­uid tem­plat­ing (Ruby)
  • Javascript

13 different pages available for Freshdesk customization:

  • Freshdesk Home­page
  • New user signup
  • Login page
  • Search results page
  • Solu­tions home
  • Arti­cle list
  • Arti­cle view
  • Dis­cus­sion home
  • My Top­ics
  • Top­ic list
  • Top­ic view
  • New top­ic
  • New tick­et

When it comes to advanced brand­ing, Freshdesk pro­vides sev­er­al chal­lenges, so pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence in brand­ing sup­port sites will dras­ti­cal­ly decrease the time need­ed for mod­i­fi­ca­tions and help you to achieve clean and pro­fes­sion­al end result.

Freshdesk branding by purpleplanet

pur­ple­plan­et has an exten­sive expe­ri­ence in brand­ing cus­tomer sup­port sites. We are not only expe­ri­enced devel­op­ers, but we are capa­ble of deal­ing with any obsta­cles a frame­work has, keep­ing the essen­tial guide­lines of suc­cess­ful brand­ing in mind:

  • Your brand personality
  • Over­all feel and experience
  • Brand con­sis­ten­cy
  • Well-pre­sent­ed content

Through years of expe­ri­ence with dif­fer­ent brand­ing projects, we at pur­ple­plan­et have learned how to achieve the best pos­si­ble results – Fol­low­ing the brand­ing guide­lines while keep­ing all func­tion­al­i­ties intact.

Freshdesk branding project – Support.com

Here is a screen­shot, with dif­fer­ent devices, of our Freshdesk brand­ing project we com­plet­ed recent­ly, for multi­na­tion­al com­put­er tech­nol­o­gy cor­po­ra­tion – Support.com

You can see how a lay­out changes, based on the brows­er win­dow size, and all func­tion­al­i­ties are eas­i­ly avail­able on every device.


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