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2 min read What is rankbrain - SEO 101

What is RankBrain and how does it work

Key Takeaways

  • RankBrain is an AI system that is part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm. It provides search results when user queries are too long or confusing to Google’s usual algorithm.
  • RankBrain is the solution to Google’s usual habit of omitting “stop words,” which can be unhelpful in understanding search intent.
  • Unfortunately, there aren’t specific guidelines for optimising your webpages for RankBrain – you’ll just have to follow the usual SEO best practices.

RankBrain is a machine-learn­ing arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence sys­tem. Its pri­ma­ry pur­pose is pro­vid­ing more rel­e­vant search results for users with queries that are unfa­mil­iar to a search engine.

The most important Hummingbird factors

RankBrain is the lat­est major addi­tion to the Google search algo­rithm called “Hum­ming­bird”. The algo­rithm con­sists of around 200 major fac­tors and a cou­ple of thou­sand minor ones. RankBrain became a part of the algo­rithm in late 2015 and became the third most impor­tant fac­tor. The first two most impor­tant fac­tors are still links and qual­i­ty content.

RankBrain is specif­i­cal­ly designed to alle­vi­ate the issues that can arise when searchers enter long-tail key­words that are some­what con­fus­ing to the algo­rithm. Pre­vi­ous­ly, the prime focus of the search engine was always key­words. Now, RankBrain’s role is to put more focus on the intent of the searcher.

Stop words and search results

Stop words are words that we com­mon­ly use in ordi­nary speech. Search engines usu­al­ly omit them when look­ing for results.

Some exam­ples of stop words would be “and, when, so, that, where, how, when” and so on. It’s esti­mat­ed that stop words are 25–30% of all the writ­ten con­tent online. So, where is the prob­lem and how can RankBrain fix it?

One of the pri­ma­ry prob­lems with pre­vi­ous search results were stop words. Before RankBrain, stop words were reg­u­lar­ly exclud­ed from long-tail key­words. Too often, this sys­tem caused the results to be very inaccurate.

Confusing query example

Gary Ilyes from Google pre­sent­ed the prob­lem with the query “How to beat Super Mario Broth­ers with­out cheats”. If search engines omit the stop words – in this case, “How” “to” and “with­out” – so that the query actu­al­ly becomes “beat Super Mario broth­ers cheats”, you will have the arti­cles with cheat codes in the top results. All top results for this query con­tain cheat codes, which is the com­plete oppo­site of the searcher’s intent.

RankBrain is a learn­ing sys­tem, designed to rec­og­nize and work with stop words. It is try­ing, to the best of its abil­i­ties, to pro­vide edu­cat­ed guess­es on the searchers intent. This machine-learn­ing should ide­al­ly pro­vide us with bet­ter and more accu­rate results, but it is still a long way from perfection.

How to optimize your website for RankBrain

RankBrain is pri­mar­i­ly tar­get­ing non-under­stand­able and impre­cise queries. It is impos­si­ble to opti­mize con­tent for such instances. Hon­or­ing the reg­u­lar rules of SEO, the best you can do is to opti­mize your con­tent for human read­ers, and not for search engines. RankBrain will reward con­tent that is use­ful to actu­al peo­ple rather than con­tent that is adapt­ed to pri­mar­i­ly draw search engines. The more rel­e­vant RankBrain thinks a cer­tain web doc­u­ment is, the high­er it will rank. Once again, as men­tioned before, it is only pos­si­ble to opti­mize for RankBrain in broad terms.

The future devel­op­ment speed of this machine-learn­ing sys­tem is uncer­tain. In an ide­al case, this part of the Google algo­rithm will become more and more adept at fig­ur­ing out the searcher’s intent. At some point, it will have a mas­sive impact on all the dif­fi­cult to under­stand long-tail key­word queries. How­ev­er, from an SEO per­spec­tive, there will be no spe­cif­ic way to ensure a prac­ti­cal opti­miza­tion for search engines.

The best advice is to use com­mon good prac­tices and guide­lines that most SEO’s are fol­low­ing today.

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