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get your website optimised
to generate more leads
in 3 months or less

We will create for you a website optimised to generate more leads, increase organic traffic,
grow revenue, and enhance brand recognition.

This will be achieved in 3 months or less. We guarantee you'll see results!
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this offer is for marketing managers and directors aiming to boost quality leads and conversions on their website
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    Are you stressed about the inconsistent lead quality, resulting in wasted time and effort on leads that are unlikely to convert into customers?

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    Are you disappointed with the low conversion rates, leaving you questioning the effectiveness of your lead generation tactics and the overall ROI of your campaigns?

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    Are you overwhelmed by the amount of time and resources needed to create high-quality content that drives organic traffic?

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    Do you want to finally solve these problems? We can show you everything that is really required to achieve it.

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and features
This is your unique opportunity to get a website optimised in 3 months or less to generate more leads, more organic traffic, grow revenue, and brand recognition.

This will solve all the previously mentioned problems and help you achieve your ultimate result.
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    Streamlined Content Drive

    A streamlined process for creating high-quality content that drives organic traffic, saving time and resources.
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    Automated Data Precision

    Accurate data analysis with automation, eliminating errors and inaccuracies for better decision-making.
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    Boost UX: 50% in 3 Months

    Increase your website's functionality and user-friendliness by 50% in the next 3 months.
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    Speed Surge: 50% in 2 Months

    Increase your website's loading speed by 50% in the next 2 months.
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    ROI-Driven Lead Strategy

    A proven, effective lead generation strategy that allows you to confidently invest your time and resources for maximum returns.
how it works
With this offer, you get a website optimised in 3 months or less to generate more leads,
more organic traffic, grow revenue, and brand recognition. This is the best and most important step
to achieve your ultimate result.
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image how it works
  • Strategy call to analyse the critical part of your website to get you more leads and clients
  • Design concept and creation optimised for seamless user experience and improved conversion rates
  • Implementation of your website with lead tracking, traffic tracking, SEO optimised content and design to increase organic traffic and convert visitors into leads
  • Go live with your optimised website and see your leads flowing in
our client said

Louisa Wilson

Business Manager, Smithfield & Wells

As the Busi­ness Man­ag­er at Smith­field & Wells, I can con­fi­dent­ly attest to the incred­i­ble impact pur­ple­plan­et had on our com­pa­ny’s lead gen­er­a­tion. In just three months, their strate­gic approach rev­o­lu­tionised our out­reach, result­ing in a 32% increase in leads.

pur­ple­plan­et did­n’t just pro­vide a cook­ie-cut­ter solu­tion; they took the time to under­stand our unique busi­ness needs and tar­get audi­ence. Their per­son­alised approach, cou­pled with their exper­tise in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, trans­formed our lead gen­er­a­tion efforts. From opti­mis­ing our web­site for bet­ter con­ver­sion rates to craft­ing com­pelling con­tent tai­lored to our audi­ence, pur­ple­plan­et’s strate­gies were com­pre­hen­sive and effective.
More­over, their team was always acces­si­ble and respon­sive, offer­ing valu­able insights and guid­ance every step of the way. Their ded­i­ca­tion to our suc­cess was evi­dent in their proac­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion and com­mit­ment to deliv­er­ing results.

Our sales pipeline has nev­er been stronger, and we’re poised for sus­tained growth in the future. I whole­heart­ed­ly rec­om­mend pur­ple­plan­et to any busi­ness look­ing to ele­vate their lead gen­er­a­tion efforts and achieve tan­gi­ble results.

Sarah Thompson

Marketing Manager, Stellar Solutions Inc.

Work­ing with pur­ple­plan­et has been an absolute game-chang­er for our com­pa­ny. As the Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er at Stel­lar Solu­tions Inc., I was tasked with find­ing inno­v­a­tive ways to increase our leads and ulti­mate­ly boost our rev­enue. pur­ple­plan­et came high­ly rec­om­mend­ed, and now I under­stand why.

Their tai­lored approach to our mar­ket­ing needs, cou­pled with their exper­tise in dig­i­tal strate­gies, has tru­ly exceed­ed our expec­ta­tions. With­in six months of part­ner­ing with pur­ple­plan­et, we saw a remark­able 43% increase in our leads. This incred­i­ble growth has had a pro­found impact on our busi­ness, allow­ing us to reach new cus­tomers and expand our mar­ket presence.

What sets pur­ple­plan­et apart is their ded­i­ca­tion to under­stand­ing our unique chal­lenges and craft­ing solu­tions that align per­fect­ly with our goals. Their team of pro­fes­sion­als is not only knowl­edge­able but also proac­tive in stay­ing ahead of indus­try trends.

Thanks to pur­ple­plan­et, we’ve not only achieved our lead gen­er­a­tion tar­gets but have also laid a sol­id foun­da­tion for sus­tained growth in the future. I high­ly rec­om­mend pur­ple­plan­et to any com­pa­ny look­ing to take their mar­ket­ing efforts to the next level.

the next step...

In an online meeting, we will analyse the critical parts of your website that need to be optimised to get you new leads and clients as fast as possible.

We'll also create an implementation roadmap and a proposal with costs and timeline if you are looking for a service provider to help you with that.

By that, you will have an implementation roadmap, proposal with cost and timeline estimation, website analysis report with clear action items to optimise your website for more leads and clients.
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FREE consultation
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