Brooklyn Surgery Center

Brooklyn Surgery Center

Brooklyn Surgery Center

Established by a group of physicians, who wanted to help meet the needs of patients who require outpatient surgery in a convenient, safe, local neighbourhood facility, and designed for doctors, with a focus on helping them complete surgeries and procedures in a safe, timely way, supported by a strong in-house medical team. The mission of the website for Brooklyn Surgery Center is to provide access to all the essential information for patients and physicians. It's crucially important that the design gives the right impression about the centre for every single visitor - credibility, professionalism, quality.

The pre­vi­ous ver­sion of the web­site was infor­ma­tive but extreme­ly out­dat­ed. The cus­tomer’s main request was to pre­pare a fresh and mod­ern look for the web­site, and advice on ways to build vis­i­tor trust.

Apart from that, our task was to offer a solu­tion with easy nav­i­ga­tion through the ser­vices, respon­sive­ness on diverse devices, and good rank­ing in search results.


The main ban­ner on the home­page is designed to give an intro­duc­tion to ser­vices pro­vid­ed, and also res­onate with the patient in mul­ti­ple ways, such as prov­ing the cred­i­bil­i­ty and explain­ing the main focus of the cen­tre, and per­son­al care for each sin­gle patient.

All the ser­vices are intro­duced on the home­page, with sep­a­rate infor­ma­tion blocks organ­ised for sim­ple nav­i­ga­tion. Bright and clear CTAs in the head­er offer con­ve­nient to con­tact and pay­ment solutions.

We always make sure that new­ly-launched web­sites are ranked well in search results through pre- and post-launch SEO opti­mi­sa­tion. All of our web­sites are devel­oped to give opti­mal per­for­mance rates and load­ing speed, which are impor­tant rank­ing factors.

Brand Style Guide

Following the rules of minimalism in design, we used colours associated with professionalism and transparency, which correlate to the area of work - the colours used match physicians' scrubs.

As a result, we have created a website that not only introduces all of the information in a clear, concise manner, but also gives a feeling of security and trust to the professionals that work in this establishment.

Geometric sans serif typefaces have been a popular design tool ever since these actors took to the world’s stage. Poppins is one of the new comers to this long tradition. With support for the Devanagari and Latin writing systems, it is an internationalist take on the genre.
Brooklyn Surgery Center
Brooklyn Surgery Center
Brooklyn Surgery Center
Brooklyn Surgery Center
Brooklyn Surgery Center
Brooklyn Surgery Center
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    We are pleased to welcome you on the purpleplanet!
    To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.

      We are pleased to welcome you on the purpleplanet!
      To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.