Courtyards on Fifth

Courtyards on Fifth

Courtyards on Fifth

The new website has a simple navigation, allowing potential buyers to quickly reach the important parts of the website. Popups are used to display floor plans and tour videos, allowing for minimal clutter on the site's pages.

We were hired to devel­op an online pres­ence to pro­mote the res­i­den­tial apart­ment devel­op­ment. Focus­ing on a vast range of ameni­ties, and a superb loca­tion, we pro­mot­ed mul­ti­ple floor plans—one, two and three bed­room units—that the poten­tial buy­er is able to view, via indi­vid­ual floor plans and a 3D tour for each.


Work­ing with our part­ner com­pa­ny, Sharkey Adver­tis­ing, we cre­at­ed a bright, water-based theme, to pro­mote this new apart­ment build­ing, close to the sea shore. Clear, con­cise unit floor plans are aug­ment­ed by a 3D walk­through of every apart­ment, allow­ing vis­i­tors to get a real feel for the homes on offer.

Brand Style Guide

It was a fixed requirement on this project to provide a "sea front" look and feel - something light, airy and water-related. We chose various shades of blue, on a light background, to represent the shore line.
Poppins for titles, and Source Sans Pro for content. Clear, easy to read fonts are important, as the images, layouts and 3D tour need to take centre stage on this site.
Geometric sans serif typefaces have been a popular design tool ever since these actors took to the world’s stage. Poppins is one of the new comers to this long tradition. With support for the Devanagari and Latin writing systems, it is an internationalist take on the genre.
Courtyards on Fifth
Courtyards on Fifth
Courtyards on Fifth
Courtyards on Fifth
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      We are pleased to welcome you on the purpleplanet!
      To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.