While travelling in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital, owner Sonia met Dao and Tey, who were begging for money and food on the streets. Two small children that lived in poor conditions and knew only the streets as their home. DAOTEY wants to celebrate and put a face to children who share Dao’s and Tey's experiences with the purpose of giving them hope for the future.

The client was extreme­ly detailed in her require­ments for this con­tem­po­rary fash­ion store. The main request was to keep the design clean and sub­dued, allow­ing the prod­ucts to shine on the page.

Shopi­fy has some lim­i­ta­tions when devel­op­ing, so our great­est chal­lenge was to get the com­plet­ed store as close as pos­si­ble to the pro­vid­ed designs.


Apart from recre­at­ing the lay­outs from the designs pro­vid­ed by the client, we used some cus­tom cod­ing to cre­ate extra func­tion­al­i­ty, most effec­tive­ly on the prod­uct pages, with mul­ti­ple images and extra descrip­tion text.

We’re very hap­py with the result — a beau­ti­ful, under­stat­ed web­site, which show­cas­es the stun­ning cre­ations on sale.

Brand Style Guide

The palette provided to use for this project was subtle, understated and subdued. We used colour in a very sparse way, so the resulting website is almost monochrome, and allows the products to be the focus of each page.
Work Sans
Work Sans is a typeface family based loosely on early Grotesques. The Regular weight and others in the middle of the family are optimised for on-screen text usage at medium-sizes (14px-48px) and can also be used in print design. Features are simplified and optimised for screen resolutions.
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