


EuroHealthNet wanted to redevelop their main website to make it more attractive, modern and user-friendly, and to better represent the organisation. The website offers information about EuroHealthNet, past and current projects, outputs and events, newsletters, an overview of members, and a members section.

The key aim of the rede­vel­op­ment was to make the web­site clear­er, eas­i­er to use and more appeal­ing for users. It need­ed to inform peo­ple about what Euro­Health­Net is and what it does, promi­nent­ly rep­re­sent the part­ner­ships and mem­bers, and pro­mote the organ­i­sa­tion’s pub­li­ca­tions and events. The web­site should help users to engage with EHN and stay engaged for longer/more often.


We rec­om­mend­ed a com­plete over­haul of the exist­ing web­site, built from the ground up, with a cus­tom design to improve user expe­ri­ence, and increase the chances of onboard­ing new mem­bers. The new web­site was cre­at­ed with the fol­low­ing in mind:

- A clean and easy to use layout
— Incor­po­rat­ing site search capability
— Social media sharing
— Util­is­ing unique con­tact and request cap­ture forms
— CTAs to prompt vis­i­tors to take required actions
— Ful­ly respon­sive across all pop­u­lar devices
— Newslet­ter arti­cle integration
— civi­CRM inte­gra­tion using exist­ing, test­ed, and trust­ed plugins

Brand Style Guide

EuroHealthNet provided us with their corporate branding guide, which we used as a base for our page designs. It was important to utilise the three shades of green for the platform sections, so visitors can easily identify with articles relative to each platform.
Nunito Sans
Nunito is a well balanced sans serif with rounded terminals. It has been designed mainly to be used as a display font but is useable as a text font too. Nunito was created to be used freely across the internet by web browsers on desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices.
purpleplanet helped us completely redevelop our website. They were very creative with the new design, coming up with a variety of good proposals before we moved to the development stage. Working with the designer was a pleasure as well.

The collaboration led to a great website which is much much more user-friendly and better represents us as an organisation.
Chantal Verdonschot Communications Coordinator
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