The Lewis Moody Foundation

The Lewis Moody Foundation

The Lewis Moody Foundation

A bright, colourful, positive palette provides hope and togetherness, whilst raising awareness of brain tumour stories.

We were set the task of build­ing a new web­site for the Lewis Moody Foun­da­tion, which would allow vis­i­tors to see what the foun­da­tion offers, how peo­ple can quick­ly and eas­i­ly become involved, and to pro­vide use­ful, cur­rent infor­ma­tion regard­ing brain tumour awareness.


Work­ing on a design pro­vid­ed by Lon­don-based part­ner agency Mul­ber­ry Mar­ket­ing Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, we refined the look and feel of the site lay­outs, and cre­at­ed a set of cus­tom Word­Press pages, to show the var­i­ous chal­lenges and fund­ing work done by the foundation.

Brand Style Guide

The design was provided to us in its entirety, but some font and layout changes were made as we developed the website. A palette of colours is used in each section to pick out the various categories.
Nunito is a well balanced sans serif with rounded terminals. It has been designed mainly to be used as a display font but is useable as a text font too. Nunito was created to be used freely across the internet by web browsers on desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices.
The Lewis Moody Foundation
The Lewis Moody Foundation
The Lewis Moody Foundation
The Lewis Moody Foundation
The Lewis Moody Foundation
Free Consultation
Please let us know your project requirements, and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.

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      We are pleased to welcome you on the purpleplanet!
      To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.