TASKI Swingobot 2000

TASKI Swingobot 2000

TASKI Swingobot 2000

Keeping ahead of the competition is key in all industries. TASKI are at the leading edge of cleaning technology, and pushing new products is a key part of their business strategy and growth.

Work­ing with our mar­ket­ing part­ner, Mul­ber­ryMC, we were tasked with cre­at­ing a mini web­site for this new TASKI clean­ing prod­uct. The site should be in the form of a dig­i­tal brochure, focussing on the pro­duc­t’s abil­i­ties, and where the prod­uct is best used.


We were pro­vid­ed with some excel­lent assets, and our job was to put those togeth­er into a brochure style web­site, which clear­ly out­lines the pro­duc­t’s capa­bil­i­ties and how oth­ers have already used the Swingob­ot 2000 in their indus­try envi­ron­ment. Great envi­ron­ment images, high-res­o­lu­tion prod­uct stills, and an eye-catch­ing high­light colour are the main ele­ments on this mini website.

Brand Style Guide

TASKI orange is the main colour on this site, highlighting important information on dark and light areas of the website.
FS Albert
FS Albert is a charismatic type. A warm, sensitive face with a big personality. It’s a friendly sans serif font; shapely, flexible and modern. Available in a wide range of weights, FS Albert is a versatile face ideal for use in most applications.
TASKI Swingobot 2000
TASKI Swingobot 2000
TASKI Swingobot 2000
TASKI Swingobot 2000
TASKI Swingobot 2000
Free Consultation
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      We are pleased to welcome you on the purpleplanet!
      To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.