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2 min read

Branding 101: Brand Values

Key Takeaways

  • A brand should have three industry-specific ‘core values’, and two ‘differentiating values’ to stand out from competitors.
  • Brand values link the brand as it is today, what it aims to become, and how its clients, suppliers, and employees perceive it.
  • Your brand promise and values are the foundation of your whole strategy and it’s crucial that employees are involved in the planning process and subsequent brand reviews.

It’s now time to con­sid­er what your brand strat­e­gy is.

You should nar­row it down to no more than three core val­ues and two ‘dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing’ val­ues. There is no ben­e­fit in a long list of unwork­able brand val­ues that aren’t easy to under­stand or fol­low and don’t fit with your over­all strategy.

Part III: Brand values

Core val­ues are gen­er­al­ly indus­try spe­cif­ic and will often be used by oth­er com­pa­nies. For exam­ple, every bak­ery wants to sup­ply fresh bread, so that’s a core val­ue they all share.

A bank’s core val­ues might be trust­wor­thi­ness, hon­esty, and reli­a­bil­i­ty. These val­ues are shared across that par­tic­u­lar industry.

Dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing val­ues are the ones that make your busi­ness stand out. These val­ues are the ones that make a dif­fer­ence to your tar­get audi­ence. They allow them to asso­ciate with your busi­ness, rather than your indus­try in general.

There should be a cohe­sive link between who you real­ly are, who you aim to be and how your clients and sup­pli­ers see you. Most impor­tant of all is that your employ­ees under­stand your brand val­ues. These val­ues define how your employ­ees behave towards clients and cus­tomers, which is all a part of defin­ing your brand. Your employ­ees are at the heart of your brand devel­op­ment, as they are the ones who get to rein­force your com­pa­ny mes­sage on a dai­ly basis. Your val­ues must be clear and pop­u­lar. If you can’t get your staff to buy into your con­cept and vision, the like­li­hood is that more harm than good will be done. Involv­ing employ­ees in the brand review and plan­ning process at an ear­ly stage is essential.

Your busi­ness promise, and its asso­ci­at­ed brand val­ues, are the foun­da­tions upon which you should build the over­all brand.

In part IV – The brand jig­saw of this series, we’ll move on to some of the ele­ments that make up that over­all brand jigsaw.

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