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2 min read

Why choose a freelancer instead of an agency?

Key Takeaways

  • Freelancers offer more personal attention, faster response times, and more loyal commitment to your business.
  • Typically, freelancers have more experience and a more varied skill set than the junior staff at an agency, who are often hired to cut costs.
  • Freelancers are more cost-effective than agencies and can complete projects quicker due to their focused approach, flexibility, and lack of a chain of command.

When embark­ing on a new design or web project, you are first faced with the deci­sion of who you want to work with. If it’s going to be out­sourced, then you have a choice: free­lancer or agency.

What is the difference between a freelancer and an agency?

Usu­al­ly, a free­lancer is one per­son offer­ing their expert ser­vices. An agency is a team of peo­ple that will work on your project.

There are sev­er­al clear advan­tages of hir­ing a free­lance web design­er over an agency.

Personal Attention

As the free­lancer is work­ing direct­ly for you, they are able to give you more imme­di­ate and per­son­al atten­tion. This means you will usu­al­ly get a much faster response to your ques­tions or queries.

An agency will usu­al­ly have sev­er­al peo­ple work­ing on your project. It might often hap­pen your mes­sage will go into a pile to be answered as they get to it.


It’s eas­i­er to find out how much expe­ri­ence the free­lancer has, as opposed to the expe­ri­ence of the whole agency.  An agency might have start­ed busi­ness decades ago but hire juniors to do the work, in an attempt to keep their costs down.

You will often find that a free­lancer already has a num­ber of years’ expe­ri­ence before going solo, and that their skill-set will be more var­ied, due to the wide range of projects they have com­plet­ed on their way to becom­ing successful.


A good free­lancer is more loy­al to your busi­ness, where agency staff will often be more loy­al to their own com­pa­ny. A free­lancer can offer you exclu­siv­i­ty, agree­ing not to work with your direct com­peti­tors. An agency is more like­ly to have a con­flict of inter­est with oth­er clients.

The free­lancer will tend to work hard­er and take more pride in their work, not only because this is their own busi­ness, of which they are proud, but client reten­tion and repeat busi­ness is impor­tant. The free­lancer knows that the more suc­cess­ful your busi­ness, the more lucra­tive projects you can offer to him or her in the future.


Free­lancers are more cost effec­tive than an agency, as they do not have the over­heads that a big agency might have, so invari­ably work out to be cheaper.


Free­lancers can be more focused on a project, and be more flex­i­ble with their ideas. A mem­ber of an agency may be gov­erned by the expec­ta­tions of the agency. Free­lancers gen­er­al­ly com­plete projects quick­er, as they have no chain of com­mand to fol­low. They don’t need to wait for the boss to sign off work – they are the boss.

Most impor­tant­ly, you can build a rela­tion­ship and a rap­port with a free­lancer, so much so that it feels like they are part of your own team, which is a lot hard­er to achieve with a larg­er agency.


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