
Grab a coffee and read our purpleblog

Tea works too. Or hot choco­late. Or even some­thing stronger! Our arti­cles are based on the most com­mon ques­tions we get from our clients, that’s why they are so inter­est­ing to read, and actu­al­ly utilise. You won’t notice how time flies!

2 min read

What is Excellent Customer Service?

Key Takeaways

  • Excellent customer service forges positive customer relationships and builds a loyal customer base.
  • Training is essential for operatives to learn how to handle customer problems or inquiries in a polite and timely manner.
  • Businesses must be accessible to customers via various channels such as social media, email, phone, and online chat. So, technology can be a big help in boosting a business's customer support channels.

Excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice builds good rela­tion­ships with clients and prospec­tive cus­tomers. Hap­py cus­tomers are like­ly to return, and also are like­ly to be advo­cates for your busi­ness. As a result, you will be reward­ed with a loy­al cus­tomer base.

Cus­tomer ser­vice is one of the most impor­tant parts of a busi­ness. Espe­cial­ly with social media and review sites that allow cus­tomers to swap sto­ries, good or bad, about how they have been treat­ed. Good cus­tomer ser­vice will actu­al­ly grow your business.

You have a choice of whether to pro­vide a bad, a good or an excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice. Obvi­ous­ly the busi­ness that pro­vides an excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice not only has hap­py cus­tomers but also has a dis­tinct advan­tage over its competition

Customer Service Training

It is imper­a­tive that cus­tomer ser­vice oper­a­tives are ful­ly trained on all fea­tures of the busi­ness.  It includes pric­ing and prod­uct knowl­edge, as well as how to deal with a cus­tomer’s prob­lem or enquiry in a polite and time­ly man­ner. It’s also imper­a­tive that the train­ing is ongoing.

As the face of your com­pa­ny, the cus­tomer ser­vice oper­a­tive must have a cer­tain set of skills. Cus­tomer ser­vice staff must have patience, be able to lis­ten and com­mu­ni­cate, as well as use pos­i­tive lan­guage. They need to know how to react in a calm way, should unex­pect­ed prob­lems arise.

Businesses need to be accessible

How can your cus­tomer con­tact you? Being online offers a mul­ti­tude of options to reach out to your cus­tomer base. There are a vast amount of ways to inte­grate cus­tomer sup­port tech­nol­o­gy into your busi­ness. Use of social media, email, online chat, and self-help por­tals such as Zen­desk or Freshdesk, allow the abil­i­ty to be avail­able to help, even when you aren’t. Phone sup­port can be tricky. Often hap­pens the cus­tomer hang­ing on for so long that when they actu­al­ly get to speak to some­one they are often annoyed because of the extend­ed wait. Make sure you have enough trained staff man­ning the phones.

Who does it right?

Fol­low­ing a recent Which cus­tomer sur­vey, it was announced that the cos­met­ics com­pa­ny Lush is in the top spot for UK cus­tomer ser­vice. An astound­ing 89% rat­ing was giv­ing by cus­tomers, who said staffs were always hap­py, wel­com­ing, and helpful.

Lush’s cus­tomer care team say they are eager to answer ques­tions via email, Twit­ter and Face­book, or on their tele­phone helpline, which is open 8am to 9pm. They also have a search and a FAQ sec­tion on their website.

Each brand was rat­ed on mak­ing their cus­tomers feel val­ued, knowl­edge of prod­ucts and ser­vices, help­ful­ness of staff, resolv­ing com­plaints or prob­lems and access to cus­tomer sup­port. Respon­dents were also asked to give brands an over­all rat­ing for cus­tomer ser­vice, which is where our cus­tomer ser­vice score comes from.

– Which Magazine

If you want to out-sup­port your com­pe­ti­tion you need to invest in the right tech­nol­o­gy and the right team. If you do this you will see your busi­ness thrive

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