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7 min read LinkedIn Marketing trends 2022

New Trends in LinkedIn Marketing 2022

Key Takeaways

  • In 2022, you can expect to see more personalised ads that have been generated by LinkedIn’s “Dynamic Ads.”
  • Video content is hot hot hot. Expect more in 2022.
  • LinkedIn has made changes to its interface with a video chat feature and an option to edit messages.

LinkedIn isn’t just for job seekers and professionals. It can help grow businesses too!

We’ve made a list of LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022 that you can expect to see in the com­ing year.

Though LinkedIn is pop­u­lar amongst peo­ple look­ing for work, many busi­ness­es are catch­ing on to its qual­i­ties too. You can use LinkedIn to cre­ate a valu­able net­work of busi­ness own­ers, clients, cus­tomers, leads, employ­ees, and free­lance contractors.

LinkedIn is also a bril­liant plat­form for build­ing cred­i­bil­i­ty and author­i­ty for your busi­ness since it has var­ied oppor­tu­ni­ties for post­ing adverts and content

You can also learn from indus­try experts who offer insid­er exper­tise on the plat­form. Plus – you can keep an eye on your com­peti­tors’ LinkedIn mar­ket­ing strate­gies, so you’re not left out of the loop.

As of Jan­u­ary 2022, the plat­form had 722 mil­lion users, and 22% of Amer­i­can users accessed it dai­ly. Accord­ing to LinkedIn, con­ver­sa­tions between con­nect­ed pro­files grew by 55% between Jan­u­ary 2020 and Jan­u­ary 2021. LinkedIn is a glob­al plat­form that allows you to reach peo­ple in twen­ty-four dif­fer­ent lan­guages. With all this avail­able to you, there’s so much to take advan­tage of!

Since the mar­ket­ing, busi­ness, and social media worlds are con­stant­ly evolv­ing, it’s cru­cial that mar­ket­ing teams and busi­ness own­ers remain cur­rent. So, the fol­low­ing is our list of LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022. We’re sure you’ll find some­thing here that you haven’t tried before.

Paid Ads

An advert on LinkedIn can reach 13% of the world’s pop­u­la­tion (over the age of thir­teen)! Though oth­er social media plat­forms have a high­er reach, LinkedIn has a self-select­ed user-base that val­ues new net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Thus, we’ll be see­ing more busi­ness­es using paid adver­tis­ing on LinkedIn for B2B and B2C inter­ac­tions this year.

Here are the types of adverts you can choose from:

  • Text Ads appear on the sides of users’ feeds and cost per impression.
  • Spon­sored Ads will pop up on users’ feeds. You can boost exist­ing Page posts in this way.
  • Spon­sored Mes­sag­ing sends cus­tomised adverts direct­ly into users’ LinkedIn inboxes.

You can also spice up your advert out­put with spon­sored job list­ings and pho­to carousels.

With LinkedIn adverts offer­ing you more than 200 tar­get­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics, there are loads of ways to ensure your adver­tis­ing reach­es your desired audience.

Edit Messages 

You’ll now be able to edit sent mes­sages in LinkedIn messenger!

It might not be a trend per se, but this is def­i­nite­ly an excit­ing new func­tion that will ben­e­fit pro­fes­sion­als and busi­ness­es alike. There’s no doubt it will be a high­ly used fea­ture across the board since it offers a valu­able thing:

The abil­i­ty to edit sent mes­sages is a bril­liant prospect for pro­fes­sion­als and busi­ness own­ers as it will help them look like pros.

The abil­i­ty to rec­ti­fy mis­takes and clar­i­fy mean­ings will improve the com­mu­ni­ca­tion between users and allow them to make good impres­sions on each oth­er. Pol­ished com­mu­ni­ca­tion will get you a long way, whether you’re using LinkedIn mes­sen­ger to pitch to prospec­tive employ­ers, forge new busi­ness alliances, or adver­tise to poten­tial customers.

Repurposing Content

The next thing on the rise is repur­posed content.

When you’ve worked hard on a piece of con­tent, it’s a shame to only put it out there in one for­mat or on one plat­form. There are a cou­ple of ways you can give it more mileage by repur­pos­ing it:

You can repur­pose an inter­view into a blog post or a blog post into an info­graph­ic. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can take a blog post you’ve writ­ten for LinkedIn and post it on your com­pa­ny website.

Top tip: if you’re going to do the lat­ter, make sure you rewrite it suf­fi­cient­ly to throw Google off the scent of pla­gia­rism. Though it’s your con­tent to do with what you will, search engines will penalise con­tent that appears to be sim­i­lar to exist­ing web pages.

A sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fit of repur­pos­ing con­tent is reach­ing new audiences.

Some peo­ple exclu­sive­ly use Twit­ter and LinkedIn – so you can’t expect them to see your Face­book posts too. Equal­ly, you don’t want to triple your orig­i­nal con­tent out­put. That’s when repur­pos­ing your con­tent comes in handy.

Top tip: did you know that employ­ees are 14 times more like­ly to share con­tent from their own employ­ers than any oth­er LinkedIn con­tent? So, if you’ve just post­ed some­thing new, go ahead and ask your team to share it!

Repur­pos­ing your con­tent diver­si­fies your range whilst max­imis­ing time and effort, increas­ing your online pres­ence, and improv­ing your SEO ranking.

Giv­en that repur­pos­ing con­tent comes with addi­tion­al ben­e­fits beyond stan­dard con­tent cre­ation, it’s had to join our list of LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022.

Customised and Personalised Adverts with LinkedIn’s Dynamic Ads

When a busi­ness has a seg­ment­ed audi­ence, it’s impor­tant to tar­get them accu­rate­ly whilst still hav­ing a sig­nif­i­cant impact. Linked­In’s Dynam­ic Ads fea­ture takes per­son­al­i­sa­tion to a whole new level.

Whilst let­ting you cre­ate sep­a­rate adver­tis­ing cam­paigns, Linked­In’s changes to its mar­ket­ing algo­rithm means that you can eas­i­ly mon­i­tor and mea­sure your adver­tis­ing cam­paigns with­in the cam­paign manager.

This is a con­sid­er­able effort by LinkedIn so that busi­ness own­ers can set them­selves apart from each oth­er with cus­tomised adverts.

Whether you want to gen­er­ate leads, raise brand aware­ness, or pri­ori­tise poten­tial traf­fic, Dynam­ic Ads can help. Your Dynam­ic Ads can include a user’s details such as their pro­file pho­to, name, and employ­er name.

You can also set a bud­get so you don’t acci­den­tal­ly go over­board. Plus, there are a few pay­ment options to choose from, such as pay per click, impres­sion, or message.

With this, you can now forge pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ships and gen­er­ate leads with flex­i­ble mar­ket­ing cam­paigns that don’t burn a hole in your wallet.

Top tip: one way you can per­son­alise your ads, whilst remain­ing opti­mised for LinkedIn, is by nam­ing the audi­ence you want to reach. E.g., start­ing your posts with “Call­ing all web devel­op­ers” or “Are you a free­lance writer?”

Images and Videos

Next on our list of LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022 are Images and Videos. Accord­ing to LinkedIn, suc­cess­ful Com­pa­ny Pages reg­u­lar­ly post “rich” con­tent such as posts with images and videos. They claim that putting pic­tures in posts leads to a 98 per cent high­er com­ment rate, and adding links to YouTube videos results in a 75 per cent high­er shar­ing rate.

So, what are you wait­ing for? It’s time to dump the plain­er text posts and get cre­ative! You could add pho­tos, info­graph­ics, videos, or SlideShare pre­sen­ta­tions to your posts.

Images are a great way to opti­mise your con­tent for LinkedIn. This year, a rise in image and video posts is expect­ed, mak­ing it a spe­cial one to watch on our list of LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022.

Less Salesy Advertising

Inter­net users are so famil­iar with sales talk – they’ll always know when some­one’s try­ing to sell them some­thing. (Whether you’re using over­ly salesy talk or not).

The dif­fer­ence is that salesy talk can be high­ly off-putting, and mod­ern-day con­sumers are more appre­cia­tive of a con­ver­sa­tion­al tone, trust­wor­thy brands, and non-pushy mar­ket­ing efforts.

Anoth­er way to keep your sales “human”, whilst opti­mis­ing your con­tent, is to lim­it your­self to two or three well-placed hash­tags.

Mar­keters are catch­ing on to the need for adver­tis­ing with a con­ver­sa­tion­al tone. This can encour­age tar­get­ed audi­ences to trust brands and feel like they relate to their needs and atti­tudes. The future of mar­ket­ing is look­ing more casu­al and col­lo­qui­al in style, so we’ll see more of this in the com­ing year.

Become an Industry Expert

One valu­able way of con­nect­ing with your audi­ence is by writ­ing long arti­cles. These can build brand author­i­ty as Google loves web­sites with lots of high-qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion. Plus, many users nowa­days want to be edu­cat­ed by the inter­net and will hap­pi­ly read infor­ma­tive arti­cles if they teach them something.

If your arti­cles are well-writ­ten, well-researched, and well-pol­ished, you’ll be able to build a rep­u­ta­tion as a leader and expert in your indus­try. An author­i­ta­tive rep­u­ta­tion is con­struct­ed only when a web­site has a vast reper­toire of infor­ma­tive con­tent, which takes time and consistency.

Did you know that com­pa­nies post­ing week­ly on LinkedIn see a two times high­er engage­ment rate?

Accord­ing to LinkedIn, B2B deci­sion-mak­ers are will­ing to pay more to work with com­pa­nies that pub­lish this kind of con­tent. They call this: “thought leadership”.

We expect to see a sig­nif­i­cant rise in thought lead­er­ship in the next year – and even the years after that! Our list of LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022 would­n’t be com­plete with­out this trend, as it’s real­ly catch­ing on. Any busi­ness in their right mind about SEO will be forg­ing (or imple­ment­ing) a con­tent strat­e­gy for this pur­pose right now.

Top tip: in 2020, LinkedIn saw a growth of 60% in con­tent pro­duc­tion on the plat­form. If you’re going to put con­tent out there, be aware that you’ve got com­pe­ti­tion. But, if you’re con­sis­tent and you pro­mote your old­er posts, you’ll be on the right track. Also, remem­ber to utilise any per­son­al­i­sa­tion that you can.

Video Chat

The last on our list of LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022 is Video Chat. Advanc­ing its social fea­tures from just text chat to video chat as well, LinkedIn is rein­vent­ing itself from its for­mer iden­ti­ty. It’s no longer just a net­work­ing or recruit­ment site, but a com­mu­ni­ca­tion hub too.

LinkedIn Video Chat allows you to hold video calls, sched­ule them for lat­er, send mes­sages, share screens, and share doc­u­ments and files.

Many plat­forms offered video chat over COVID-19, con­nect­ing mil­lions of employ­ees work­ing remote­ly from home. This need for remote com­mu­ni­ca­tion is expect­ed to con­tin­ue with “work­ing from home” still avail­able as an option to many employ­ees globally.

Plus, many busi­ness­es are reach­ing out to remote free­lance con­trac­tors to obtain the ben­e­fits of the gig economy.

Whilst LinkedIn is meet­ing these demands, it’s offer­ing more than just remote com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels. The Video Chat fea­ture will pro­vide anoth­er aspect of the recruit­ment process. Not only can busi­ness­es find employ­ees via LinkedIn, but they can inter­view them on it too – and poten­tial­ly remain in con­tact via this medi­um through­out con­trac­tu­al periods.

Final Thoughts

In the post-pan­dem­ic busi­ness land­scape, numer­ous things have changed. The main dif­fer­ence is a con­sid­er­able amount of online shop­ping – which is great news for e‑commerce busi­ness owners.

Since changes can occur in the mar­ket­ing, social media, and busi­ness worlds at any time, busi­ness own­ers and mar­ket­ing teams must stay up to date. Imple­ment­ing some of these LinkedIn mar­ket­ing trends 2022 will help you take sig­nif­i­cant steps to improve your B2C and B2B rela­tions in the next year.

If you’d like some help with your social media strat­e­gy, we’re here for you. Choose between three social media man­age­ment plans to get the right one for your busi­ness. We also offer sup­port with paid adver­tis­ing strate­gies so you can tar­get your ide­al cus­tomers and get fast results.

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