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2 min read What is an SEO audit and how to perform it

What is an SEO audit

Key Takeaways

  • SEO audits are the first step to optimising your website. They’re typically conducted by an SEO specialist but may require two individuals with different specialisms (technical vs on-page SEO).
  • An SEO site audit will look at both the technical aspects of your website and its written content to determine its level of optimisation. E.g., loading speed, mobile usability, code, and backlinks, among other things.
  • SEO campaign audits will look more closely at your use of keywords and overall strategy (off-page and on-page SEO), using competitor analysis for support

An SEO audit or a tech­ni­cal site audit is a process of eval­u­at­ing a web­site’s strength, weak­ness­es and health­i­ness in terms of Search Engine Opti­miza­tion and relat­ed, over­lap­ping areas.

What can you expect from an SEO audit

An SEO audit should be the first step in the search engine opti­miza­tion process. Per­form­ing an SEO audit is the best way to iden­ti­fy how to improve your search rankings.

The audi­tor has to check dif­fer­ent areas of your web­site regard­ing search engine friend­li­ness, acces­si­bil­i­ty, vis­i­bil­i­ty and per­for­mance. Qual­i­ty SEO audit does­n’t include any fix­es, only rec­om­men­da­tions on what needs fixing.

After an audit is over, the audi­tor will give you a report which includes the following:

  • A list of ana­lyzed items with results and explanation
  • Rec­om­men­da­tions for fix­es and miss­ing opportunities
  • Guide­lines on how to pro­ceed with on-site and off-site SEO activities

Which areas an SEO audit covers

An SEO audit can be per­formed on a site lev­el and on a campaign/keyword level.

Site-level audit

A site-lev­el audit cov­ers over­all SEO activ­i­ties and rank­ing fac­tors which have an impact on your whole website.

  • on-site SEO — tech­ni­cal analysis
  • on-page SEO — con­tent analysis
  • a web­site’s speed and performance
  • acces­si­bil­i­ty and indexation
  • Google Ana­lyt­ics code and setup
  • web­mas­ter tools setup
  • off-site SEO
  • mobile expe­ri­ence
  • social media men­tions and visibility

Campaign-level audit

A cam­paign-lev­el audit is more focused on a spe­cif­ic cam­paign and includes:

  • on-page SEO — how well is your land­ing page optimized
  • page speed and performance
  • key­word analy­sis — what is the qual­i­ty of your keyword
  • com­peti­tor analy­sis — are you tar­get­ing the right key­word and what are pos­si­ble link opportunities
  • cam­paign-based tech­ni­cal analysis

When you should perform an SEO audit

You should per­form a site-lev­el audit after every major Google algo­rithm update, to check how the update influ­ences your rank­ings, or at least once a year. A cam­paign lev­el audit is best to per­form in the begin­ning of a cam­paign and once in every quar­ter as long as a cam­paign lasts.

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