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2 min read Importance of SEO keywords

What are SEO keywords?

Key Takeaways

  • SEO keywords are the words or phrases for which you want your web pages to rank in the SERPs.
  • The importance of SEO keywords has decreased over the years, and search engines now look for meaning rather than keywords.
  • Quality over quantity is the best approach to SEO keywords. Conduct keyword research to determine value and competition, choose relevant and straightforward phrases and focus on providing quality, relevant content while following official SEO guidelines.

SEO key­words are the exact words for which you’d like your arti­cle to show up on search engine results pages (SERP) when peo­ple type their queries into the search engine. Besides that, the SEO key­words or phras­es should be the cen­tral words that describe the con­tent of your articles.

The importance of SEO keywords

Years ago, key­words were the most impor­tant fac­tor for search engines. If key­words were accu­rate and put in the right places, your con­tent was like­ly to rank for these key­words. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it led to var­i­ous sorts of mis­use of key­words, amongst them so-called “key­word stuff­ing”, until Google changed their algo­rithm to penal­ize such practices.

Over the years, search engines have evolved, and the impor­tance of SEO key­words has decreased. Google now uses over 200 rank­ing fac­tors in their algo­rithm, and looks for mean­ing rather than keywords.

Search engines inter­pret the data on your web­site, and try to under­stand what a par­tic­u­lar arti­cle is about, and the nature of your busi­ness as a whole. It became almost impos­si­ble to rank for key­words that are not close­ly relat­ed to your busi­ness. You can­not just come up with 50 or 100 key­words and expect an SEO expert to do their mag­ic, so your web­site would rank for these key­words in a short time.

Search Engine opti­miza­tion became all about writ­ing qual­i­ty, rel­e­vant con­tent fol­low­ing the Google SEO guide­lines, rather than try­ing to out­smart algorithms.

Everything starts with a keyword

Although the rank­ing fac­tor pow­er of key­words decreased, they still play a major role in Search Engine Opti­miza­tion, as a start­ing point upon which to build your content.

It is prefer­able to first define key­words and then cre­ate con­tent, rather than to adjust exist­ing con­tent to fit the cho­sen keywords.

When select­ing key­words, the first step is to con­duct key­word research, which will help you deter­mine val­ue and com­pe­ti­tion for spe­cif­ic key­words. The sec­ond step is to tai­lor the con­tent of your top lev­el pages, keep­ing the cho­sen key­words in mind. For a start, you should con­cen­trate on only a few key­words, depend­ing on the num­ber of pages and posts on your website.

How to choose the right SEO keywords

To choose the right key­words, ask your­self four sim­ple questions:

  • Is the key­word rel­e­vant to your business?
  • Will the key­word attract the right audience?
  • Will this audi­ence find your con­tent valu­able or feel tricked when land­ing on your website?
  • Can you mon­e­tize traf­fic drawn by this keyword?

Common mistakes when choosing keywords

The best key­words are usu­al­ly phras­es com­posed of two to four words that are high­ly rel­e­vant to what your busi­ness is about. The cho­sen phras­es should­n’t be too com­mon or too spe­cial­ized. Also, they should be sim­ple — some­thing your tar­get audi­ence will like­ly type in the search box.

These are the most com­mon mis­takes many busi­ness­es make when choos­ing key­words to rank for:

  • sin­gle-word keywords
  • terms that are not high­ly rel­e­vant to your business
  • key­words that are too spe­cial­ized and rarely searched for
  • high­ly com­pet­i­tive keywords

SEO keywords best practice: Quality over quantity

Qual­i­ty over quan­ti­ty is the num­ber one rule, and the SEO tac­tic that pro­vides the best results. Search engines pre­fer con­tent that is valu­able and useful.

Using short­cuts, SEO tricks that are in the grey zone, or worse — “black hat” SEO tech­niques, can have only tem­porar­i­ly results.

Rules to follow

  • choose your key­words wisely
  • pub­lish only qual­i­ty, rel­e­vant content
  • fol­low the offi­cial SEO guide­lines and avoid all bad practices

Fol­low the rules and con­cen­trate on pro­vid­ing the best pos­si­ble expe­ri­ence to your vis­i­tors, and you should have no prob­lems get­ting the SERP rank­ings your web­site deserves.

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