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6 min read

Utilising Lookalike Audiences: 5 Strategies for Expanding Reach

Key takeaways

  • Lookalike Audiences are a straightforward way to elevate your advertising.
  • Targeting efforts can vary greatly, offering businesses countless ways to get creative.
  • However, the data used to fuel Lookalike Audience efforts should be up-to-date, relevant, and accurate to the strategy’s aims.

In 2013, Face­book cre­at­ed Looka­like Audi­ences, a fea­ture that allows adver­tis­ers to reach new poten­tial cus­tomers because they are sim­i­lar to their exist­ing cus­tomers (whether demo­graph­i­cal­ly or in their online behaviour).

Looka­like Audi­ences is high­ly pop­u­lar among busi­ness­es using Face­book for adver­tis­ing as they can lever­age Face­book’s vast amount of user data to cre­ate tar­get­ed ad cam­paigns. More impor­tant­ly, though, these cam­paigns are designed to reach those who are most like­ly to be converted.

Con­se­quent­ly, busi­ness­es ben­e­fit from increased con­ver­sions but also a high­er ROI because their ad spend is much more effi­cient. Using Looka­like Audi­ences enables busi­ness­es of all sizes to expand their reach, improve cus­tomer acqui­si­tion, and stand out against the competition.

The tool’s ver­sa­til­i­ty means busi­ness­es can attain the above ben­e­fits in sev­er­al ways. This blog will explore five of them, pro­vid­ing a vari­ety of approach­es and best prac­tices to ele­vate your campaigns.

Why expand reach?

It’s right to be wary about expand­ing reach indis­crim­i­nate­ly because there’s a risk of wast­ing ad spend. Broad­en­ing your audi­ence too much means you might be tar­get­ing indi­vid­u­als who won’t be inter­est­ed in your offer­ing, there­fore increas­ing costs with­out guar­an­teed returns.

Despite this valid con­cern, expand­ing reach can be done ‘cor­rect­ly’ and help with both busi­ness growth and brand aware­ness. A tool like Looka­like Audi­ences allows busi­ness­es to expand their reach with speci­fici­ty – to peo­ple who are more like­ly to convert.

Expand­ing reach can also pro­vide valu­able data and insights into new mar­ket seg­ments, help­ing busi­ness­es refine their strate­gies and bet­ter under­stand con­sumer behav­iour. This can lead to more effec­tive future cam­paigns, so it’s worth trying.

The five strate­gies we’ll dis­cuss today are fair­ly straight­for­ward. Once you’ve cre­at­ed one Looka­like Audi­ence, you’ll eas­i­ly be able to do anoth­er. The process does­n’t dif­fer much between the five approach­es, only vary­ing at the begin­ning when you’re inputting data.

For this rea­son, Looka­like Audi­ences are one of those approach­es where the pay­off is much more than the ini­tial plan­ning and execution!

Let’s dive in.

5 Lookalike Audience strategies to expand reach

Looka­like Audi­ences are cre­at­ed by tak­ing an exist­ing Cus­tom Audi­ence and find­ing new users on Face­book who share sim­i­lar char­ac­ter­is­tics and behav­iours. There are lots of ways to get cre­ative with this fea­ture, but we’ll explore five main approaches…

1. Target high-value customers

This approach asks you to lever­age data from your top cus­tomers, such as life­time val­ue, pur­chase fre­quen­cy, and engage­ment met­rics, to cre­ate a new audi­ence seg­ment that mir­rors these high-val­ue traits.

High-val­ue cus­tomers typ­i­cal­ly have a high­er life­time val­ue, mak­ing them more prof­itable over time. By tar­get­ing new users with sim­i­lar behav­iours and demo­graph­ics, you increase the like­li­hood of attract­ing cus­tomers who will also demon­strate high loy­al­ty and spend­ing pow­er. This approach not only improves your return on invest­ment but also enhances cus­tomer loy­al­ty and reten­tion.

To imple­ment this strat­e­gy, start by iden­ti­fy­ing your high-val­ue cus­tomers using your cus­tomer rela­tion­ship man­age­ment (CRM) sys­tem or ana­lyt­ics tools like Google Ana­lyt­ics and Face­book Insights. Gath­er data on key met­rics such as life­time val­ue, pur­chase fre­quen­cy, and engage­ment levels.

The fol­low­ing instruc­tions will apply to each of the five strate­gies in this blog:

(Once you have this data, cre­ate a Cus­tom Audi­ence in Face­book Ads Man­ag­er by upload­ing your cus­tomer list or using data from your web­site or app via the Meta Pix­el code. Next, gen­er­ate a Looka­like Audi­ence by select­ing your Cus­tom Audi­ence as the source. Choose the tar­get coun­try and adjust the audi­ence size, keep­ing in mind that small­er per­cent­ages yield audi­ences more sim­i­lar to your source, while larg­er per­cent­ages increase reach but reduce sim­i­lar­i­ty. Final­ly, launch your ad cam­paigns tar­get­ing this new Looka­like Audi­ence and mon­i­tor per­for­mance close­ly to make nec­es­sary adjustments.)

Be aware that the accu­ra­cy and time­li­ness of the data you use is cru­cial. If it’s out­dat­ed or inac­cu­rate, your tar­get­ing could be poor and inef­fec­tive. There’s also the risk of audi­ence over­lap, which can cause ad fatigue (and be expen­sive for you!).

To ele­vate your strat­e­gy to the next lev­el, you could com­bine your tar­get­ing cri­te­ria of high-val­ue cus­tomers with anoth­er rel­e­vant demo­graph­ic. You might also like to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent audi­ence sizes to find the opti­mal bal­ance between reach and similarity.

2. Expand video viewers

Giv­en the huge pop­u­lar­i­ty of video con­tent online, focus­ing on video view­ers is full of poten­tial. Peo­ple are picky about video con­tent, mak­ing video engage­ment met­rics full of rich insights. Using these insights, you can tar­get poten­tial cus­tomers with sim­i­lar video inter­ests and behav­iours to already pay­ing cus­tomers, reach­ing users most like­ly to engage with your content.

Often, videos can con­vey mes­sages more effec­tive­ly than sta­t­ic images and text. This engag­ing for­mat is also more sharable which, if view­ers do, can ampli­fy your reach even fur­ther, organically.

To imple­ment this strat­e­gy, you’re going to fol­low a sim­i­lar process as before, but the begin­ning stage will be dif­fer­ent. Start by iden­ti­fy­ing users who have engaged with your video con­tent. This could include those who have watched a cer­tain per­cent­age of your videos, liked, com­ment­ed, or shared them.

Things to bear in mind for video marketing:

  • Pro­duc­ing high-qual­i­ty visu­als and com­pelling sto­ries could require sub­stan­tial resources.
  • Not all view­ers who watch a video will con­vert into cus­tomers, so, bal­ance the invest­ment into video pro­duc­tion with the poten­tial returns.
  • Focus on cre­at­ing high-qual­i­ty, engag­ing video con­tent that res­onates with your tar­get audience.
  • Exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent video for­mats, such as live videos, tuto­ri­als, or behind-the-scenes con­tent, to see what res­onates best with your audience.
  • Use A/B test­ing to refine your video ads and improve their performance.
  • Avoid cre­at­ing over­ly long or unen­gag­ing videos, as this can lead to high drop-off rates and waste money.
  • Ensure that your videos have a clear call to action and are aligned with your over­all mar­ket­ing goals.

If you choose to take the video tar­get­ing route, remem­ber that it will have to be backed up with a sol­id video con­tent cre­ation strat­e­gy. There­fore, this option may not be so attrac­tive to busi­ness­es with small or cheap­ly-ran video strategies.

3. Utilise app activity

Users who are already active with­in your app have demon­strat­ed a clear inter­est and will­ing­ness to engage with your con­tent or ser­vices. By cre­at­ing a Looka­like Audi­ence based on these engaged users, you can find new poten­tial users who are like­ly to have sim­i­lar inter­ests and behaviours.

This approach involves using data from users who fre­quent­ly engage with your app or com­plete sig­nif­i­cant actions with­in it, such as mak­ing in-app pur­chas­es or log­ging in frequently.

Tar­get­ing new users who exhib­it sim­i­lar behav­iours will help you attract indi­vid­u­als like­ly to down­load, use, and spend mon­ey with­in your app, thus expand­ing your reach and boost­ing app engagement.

As with the oth­er approach­es, tar­get­ing these high-val­ue users can lead to a more effi­cient use of your adver­tis­ing bud­get, as you are focus­ing on indi­vid­u­als more like­ly to convert.

To imple­ment this strat­e­gy, you need to gath­er data from your app users. This involves track­ing key met­rics such as fre­quen­cy of use, dura­tion of ses­sions, and in-app purchases.

To tar­get users based on in-app activ­i­ty from non-Face­book apps, you’ll need to inte­grate Face­book SDK into your app. The SDK allows you to track spe­cif­ic events with­in your app, such as app installs, in-app pur­chas­es, and user engage­ment met­rics. This data is then sent to Face­book, where it can be used to cre­ate Cus­tom Audiences.

As above, it’s cru­cial that the data you use is recent and com­plete – you could update your Looka­like Audi­ence reg­u­lar­ly with the lat­est app activ­i­ty data to ensure this. And of course, like with any in-app adver­tis­ing strat­e­gy, exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent ad for­mats to see which is most engag­ing to users.

4. Leverage website traffic

Web­site traf­fic is anoth­er source of valu­able data.

This means using data about site vis­i­tors who have shown inter­est in your prod­ucts or ser­vices or engaged with your site in a mean­ing­ful way (e.g., added items to their carts or spent sig­nif­i­cant time on key pages) to find new users who are like­ly to engage with your ads.

This approach makes for a very effi­cient use of your adver­tis­ing bud­get as you’re focus­ing on users who are more like­ly to con­vert – web­site vis­i­tors who engage deeply with your site are already demon­strat­ing con­sid­er­able inter­est in your offer­ings, mak­ing Looka­like Audi­ences very valuable.

To imple­ment this strat­e­gy, begin by gath­er­ing data on your web­site vis­i­tors. Utilise tools like Google Ana­lyt­ics or Face­book Pix­el to track key met­rics such as page views, ses­sion dura­tion, and actions tak­en on your site and fol­low the steps dis­cussed above.

With this strat­e­gy, it’s impor­tant that your web­site pro­vides a seam­less user expe­ri­ence so that engage­ment and pos­i­tive inter­ac­tions con­tin­ue to be encour­aged. And sim­i­lar­ly, as before, you’ll want to avoid using over­ly broad audi­ences, update your Looka­like Audi­ence reg­u­lar­ly, exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent sizes, and try out dif­fer­ent ad formats.

5. Engage with active email subscribers

Engaged email sub­scribers are a gold­mine of poten­tial cus­tomers, and tar­get­ing users with sim­i­lar engage­ment pat­terns can sig­nif­i­cant­ly boost cam­paign per­for­mance. This strat­e­gy helps in build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of loy­al cus­tomers who are recep­tive to your brand’s mes­sag­ing and promotions.

To imple­ment this strat­e­gy, start by iden­ti­fy­ing your most engaged email sub­scribers. This can be done by analysing met­rics such as open rates, click-through rates, and fre­quen­cy of inter­ac­tions. As before, cre­ate your Looka­like Audi­ence with this data.

Don’t for­get that pri­va­cy con­cerns and com­pli­ance with data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions are cru­cial, as mis­han­dling sub­scriber data can lead to legal issues and loss of trust.

In addi­tion, don’t for­sake the usu­al email best prac­tices when steam­ing ahead with your new strat­e­gy. It’s still impor­tant that you don’t over-tar­get or spam users with your efforts, as they may dis­en­gage due to ad fatigue. You might like to com­bine your efforts with an email design makeover, ensur­ing it’s as engag­ing as pos­si­ble. Fol­low­ing email best prac­tices will ensure your Looka­like Audi­ence efforts pack as much of a punch as possible.

Final thoughts

By focus­ing on indi­vid­u­als who share char­ac­ter­is­tics with your most valu­able or engaged cus­tomers, you can increase the effec­tive­ness of your ad spend and dri­ve more mean­ing­ful engagement.

The tip we’ll leave you with is to avoid rely­ing sole­ly on one Looka­like Audi­ence. Diver­si­fy­ing your tar­get­ing strate­gies ensures a broad­er reach and reduces the risk of over-depen­dence on a sin­gle audi­ence segment.

To get help with your tar­get­ing efforts, reach out to us here at purpleplanet.

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