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2 min read website design process for clients

Web Design Process Checklist

Key Takeaways

  • Web design begins with planning and research. You need to define the purposes of the website and understand your audience more deeply before you can begin.
  • Next, you need to create a sitemap and prepare all the website’s written content.
  • Wireframes and prototypes come next, and UI design follows, with an initial focus on navigation. Once your draft designs are complete, you’ll need to test them.

Web­site design is a tech­ni­cal and a cre­ative process. If you try to improve your web­site your­self, or work with a team of pro­fes­sion­al UI/ UX design­ers, this web design process check­list will give you an idea of the steps you should take dur­ing the project.

what are the steps of design process

1. Start with the WHY

  • Why do you need a website?
  • What is the pur­pose of your brand?
  • Which emo­tions do you want to evoke?
  • What are your brand values?
  • Who are your tar­get audience?

Write the answers to all these ques­tions in a doc­u­ment and refer to them as much as you can dur­ing the design process. 

2. User research 

Con­duct­ing user research is a vital part of your UI design project. User research will help you under­stand how peo­ple per­form dif­fer­ent tasks online. It helps you under­stand their expec­ta­tions, behav­iours, and needs. 

3. Website structure 

What types of web pages will your web­site have? Start by cre­at­ing a sitemap. A good web­site struc­ture will make your site eas­i­er for search engines to crawl and eas­i­er for peo­ple to nav­i­gate. Your site struc­ture needs to be log­i­cal and well-defined. 

4. Website content 

When it comes to web devel­op­ment, con­tent must be defined before the design. Make sure to pre­pare all writ­ten con­tent and sec­tions before pro­ceed­ing with the design itself. This will help you focus on your brand mes­sage, rather than try­ing to fit con­tent into a pre­de­ter­mined design.

5. Wireframes and prototypes 

Start by cre­at­ing sim­ple wire­frames and pro­to­types of the dif­fer­ent web­site pages. The best way to start wire­fram­ing is to use a pen and paper. It’s the most effi­cient way to com­mu­ni­cate ideas fast, espe­cial­ly if you’re not work­ing alone on your project.

Doing wire­frames first will assure that all ideas and feed­back are applied at an ear­ly stage. Map out all impor­tant ele­ments and func­tion­al­i­ties in this phase to ensure a more effi­cient design phase. 

6. UI design 

This is the phase where you begin design­ing. Start with the nav­i­ga­tion and then move to the most impor­tant page of the web­site. Usu­al­ly, this is the home­page. Here you can find more help­ful tips on how to design a web­site

7. Design testing 

After you’re done with the UI pro­to­types you need to test your designs. Usabil­i­ty test­ing will help you ensure that users can nav­i­gate your web­site eas­i­ly. You can get user feed­back and see how suc­cess­ful they are with fin­ish­ing a task. 

Inter­est­ed to learn more on how to cre­ate a web­site that con­verts? Read our in-depth arti­cle on Web­site Design Stan­dards.

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