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7 min read Facebook Marketing Trends 2022

Facebook Marketing Trends to Expect in 2022

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook as an advertising platform seems to be increasing in cost and reducing in reach, making it more challenging to execute advertising campaigns.
  • Consumers who care about issues relating to the climate crisis, LGBTQ+ people, and female representation want to spend their money with companies who also care about these topics.
  • Video content has sky-rocketed in recent months, so we’re seeing a massive increase in video ads.

Harness the power of Facebook marketing trends 2022 to skyrocket your business’s marketing strategy

So, you want to know what’s hap­pen­ing with Face­book marketing.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the cur­rent out­look pre­dicts Face­book mar­ket­ing fea­tures will become increas­ing­ly expen­sive for busi­ness own­ers. In fact, glob­al spend­ing on Face­book Ads was 50% up in 2021 from 2020. Under­stand­ably, this rise in cost is a wor­ry­ing prospect for small­er busi­ness­es with­out excess funds to spare. There­fore, we rec­om­mend com­pa­nies be extra pru­dent with their Face­book mar­ket­ing strate­gies this year. Don’t wor­ry – it can be done successfully.

To make mat­ters worse, Insta­gram and Tik­Tok gained mil­lions more users in 2021 than Face­book. Mean­while, Face­book has been steadi­ly los­ing its engage­ment rate and reach.

Despite these dis­cour­ag­ing fig­ures, hope isn’t lost. Many mar­keters firm­ly believe in Face­book, and there’s no doubt it’s a far-reach­ing plat­form with excep­tion­al audi­ence insights and hun­dreds of mar­ket­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties. Fur­ther­more, there’s much faith amongst mar­keters in the rise in pop­u­lar­i­ty of Face­book Sto­ries and video adverts.

Mar­ket­ing teams can remain effec­tive if they stay up to date with chang­ing trends; busi­ness­es must evolve their mar­ket­ing strate­gies to keep up with Face­book’s fluc­tu­at­ing landscape.

If you want to tar­get the right audi­ence, emit a trust­wor­thy rep­u­ta­tion, build brand aware­ness, and be acces­si­ble to online cus­tomers, Face­book can help.

To keep you up to date, stay ahead of your com­peti­tors, and keep engag­ing your cus­tomer base, we’ve com­piled a list of Face­book trends 2022 that you can expect to become pop­u­lar in the next year.

Lat­er, we’ll give you some tips for get­ting the most out of Face­book mar­ket­ing, but first, we’ll go over the Face­book mar­ket­ing trends 2022:

1. Images and Videos

On Face­book, images are the most pop­u­lar type of con­tent, fol­lowed close­ly by videos. Research look­ing at brand pro­files found that images account­ed for 72.5% of Face­book con­tent whilst videos came in sec­ond at 16.5%.

But before you ramp up your image out­put, the research also found that videos have the high­est click-through-rate and the low­est cost-per-click. Fur­ther­more, although Face­book Live videos were last at 0.7%, they had the high­est num­ber of organ­ic interactions.

Although stick­ing with images might be the most pop­u­lar way to go, clear­ly, videos and Live videos are cheap and effec­tive options.

With the ris­ing cost of Face­book mar­ket­ing fea­tures, we’re going to be see­ing an increase in cost-effec­tive meth­ods, includ­ing videos and Live videos.

If you do decide to go for an image post for your next advert, how are you going to cap­tion it? Research shows that posts with very short and very long cap­tions receive more inter­ac­tions than those with medi­um-length captions.

The results from this study sug­gest users split con­tent into two cat­e­gories when it comes to cap­tion length: longer cap­tions for infor­ma­tive or per­son­al sto­ries and short cap­tions for posts where the image is the focus.

So, you’re going for an infor­ma­tive post, don’t be shy to real­ly go for it and write a lengthy caption.

2. Ethical Brand Values

The num­ber of hash­tags used like #pride and #pride­month tripled in 2021, which isn’t sur­pris­ing giv­en the rise in con­ver­sa­tion about LGBT+ issues. Fur­ther­more, dis­cus­sions about the envi­ron­ment, gen­der, and race have all been on the rise.

As a result, con­sumers want to know what com­pa­nies are doing to sup­port these issues. That’s why it’s an item on our list of Face­book trends 2022. 63% of con­sumers pre­fer to shop with brands that reflect their val­ues and beliefs.

Fur­ther­more, con­sumers with enough dis­pos­able income are becom­ing more selec­tive with where they spend their mon­ey. They’re choos­ing brands with green con­sciences and poli­cies, com­pa­nies led by women or POC (or at least have equal racial rep­re­sen­ta­tion), and busi­ness­es that are free from scruti­ny from human rights groups.

These con­sumers prove that they’re more like­ly to buy from a com­pa­ny aligned with their moral beliefs. What is your brand doing to respond to the increased inter­est in soci­etal and envi­ron­men­tal issues?

3. Not pushing sales too much! 

Con­sumers weren’t born yes­ter­day – they know when a post is try­ing to sell them some­thing. There’s noth­ing wrong with that, but over­ly salesy posts can be high­ly off-putting.

In fact, research tells us to not push too much on sales as Face­book will pun­ish us for it.

One way peo­ple can spot a salesy post is by the num­ber of hash­tags it has. An exam­i­na­tion of news and media accounts on Insta­gram found that posts with no hash­tags received twice the num­ber of inter­ac­tions than posts with hashtags.

Addi­tion­al­ly, the research found that posts with few­er but more rel­e­vant hash­tags received more engage­ment than those with many hashtags.

Many com­pa­nies with suc­cess­ful Face­book mar­ket­ing know the val­ue of keep­ing things sim­ple, and that’s what we’ll be see­ing more of this year.

4. Customer Journey Tracking

Face­book Pix­els is a piece of code you can put into your busi­ness’s web­site to mea­sure the effec­tive­ness of your adver­tis­ing efforts.

This free tool allows you to track and mea­sure user actions from when they click on a link in your advert. Plus, it will col­lect infor­ma­tion about how users inter­act with your adverts, includ­ing how long it took for them to inter­act with them.

Face­book Pix­els also gives you data on your users’ devices, names, email address­es, lan­guages, loca­tions, and cook­ies. Fur­ther­more, it will tell you which oth­er pages and adverts they inter­act­ed with before they opened yours and whilst your advert was open.

Face­book say this tool is valu­able because it enables you to mea­sure the results of your adverts, ensure the desired peo­ple see your adverts, and increase the num­ber of sales by bidding.

Cus­tomer jour­ney track­ing lets users see the touch­points that led to a con­ver­sion by users who have vis­it­ed your site before via an advert.

Since Face­book Pix­els is a free tool, we will see a sig­nif­i­cant increase in its usage whilst adver­tis­ing costs rise. Fur­ther­more, the insights it pro­vides will actu­al­ly save busi­ness­es more mon­ey on adver­tis­ing, since their well-strate­gised adverts will be much more effective.

5. Customer Service

64% of peo­ple pre­fer to mes­sage a busi­ness about an inquiry rather than tele­phone them.

Your busi­ness’s Face­book page will be a pop­u­lar point of con­tact for poten­tial and exist­ing cus­tomers. You’ll want a well-func­tion­ing cus­tomer ser­vice process to answer all their queries adequately.

You might not have enough staff to mon­i­tor Face­book mes­sages. In this case, you might want to con­sid­er jump­ing on this well-liked trend: Face­book chat­bots. Chat­bots are becom­ing very pop­u­lar with busi­ness­es, and that’s why they’ve made their way onto our list of Face­book trends 2022!

We’ll explain the best ways to use chat­bots later.

6. Personalised Ads

Research sug­gests that 80% of con­sumers are more like­ly to make a pur­chase if the com­pa­ny has offered a per­son­alised expe­ri­ence. Many brands are pick­ing up on this need and using more per­son­al­i­sa­tion tac­tics in their mar­ket­ing strategies.

A per­son­alised advert might include a cus­tomer’s name or be tai­lored to an indi­vid­ual based on their per­son­al data col­lect­ed by Facebook.

Face­book can pride itself on its audi­ence tar­get­ing capa­bil­i­ties, which are high­er than any oth­er social media plat­form. If you want your busi­ness to reach more of its tar­get cus­tomers, then Face­book can help.

Face­book’s large amount of cus­tomer data allows you to craft your adver­tis­ing strat­e­gy to be high­ly per­son­alised to your tar­get mar­ket. Use Audi­ence Insights to obtain infor­ma­tion about user behav­iour, intent, socioe­co­nom­ics, and demographics.

Face­book IQ can pro­vide you with the lat­est data, media behav­iour, and cat­e­go­ry insights. You can also use Face­book’s Audi­ence Selec­tion Tools to reach your core audi­ence, cus­tom audi­ence, and looka­like audience.

How to use and get the most out of Face­book marketing

Whether your busi­ness is set up on Face­book or not, there are always things you can do to improve your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy – from the sim­ple things to the more complex.

Here are some of our top tips for opti­mis­ing your usage of Face­book mar­ket­ing and imple­ment­ing some of the items on our list of Face­book trends 2022.

Get set up for free

If you haven’t got one already, it’s free for you to make a Face­book Page for your busi­ness. Plus, there are loads of free and low-cost fea­tures you can use to obtain insights about your audi­ence and reach the right peo­ple. Since it’s get­ting more expen­sive to use some of Face­book’s mar­ket­ing fea­tures, we rec­om­mend util­is­ing what you can get for free.

When you set up your page, don’t for­get to include links to your online shop (if applic­a­ble) and con­tact infor­ma­tion. This stuff sounds basic, but sim­plic­i­ty can be super help­ful for cus­tomers. Don’t start all the tech­ni­cal stuff until you solid­i­fy your fundamentals.

Different kinds of post

Use pinned posts to direct page vis­i­tors to some­thing you want them to see. Remem­ber that pinned posts stay pinned for sev­en days at a time until you unpin them or pin them again. You could pin a link to a lim­it­ed offer, a new product/service, or a pop­u­lar blog post that you know converts.

Don’t just stick to text posts – images, videos, and live videos have high engage­ment rates. You can do link posts too, but these get less engage­ment than videos and pic­tures, so you won’t want to rely on these entirely.

Decide how much of each type of con­tent you’ll post. Some say the 80–20 rule is an effec­tive ratio. In this strat­e­gy, 20% of your posts pro­mote your brand, prod­ucts, or ser­vices and 80% enter­tain and inform your audience.

This rule works because peo­ple use social media for social pur­pos­es; they want to be engaged in dis­cus­sion, be shown new ideas, and be enter­tained. There­fore, they’ll be put off if you’re always giv­ing them a sales pitch. Plus, the enter­tain­ing posts will be much more like­ly to be shared. Thus, increas­ing your social reach.

Last­ly, you can use Page Insights to work out the best times to post. This trend can be very valu­able. Use Face­book Busi­ness Man­ag­er to keep an eye on your organ­ic and paid Face­book posts.

Get to know your audience

Use Audi­ence Insights and Face­book Pix­els to learn about your audi­ence: age, gen­der, edu­ca­tion, rela­tion­ship sta­tus, loca­tion, lan­guage, Face­book usage, and past pur­chas­ing his­to­ry are valu­able insights that can inform your strategy.

Be available for customer queries

If you want to improve this part of your busi­ness but don’t have the work­force to man­age cus­tomer mes­sages, Face­book have their own chat­bot! This chat­bot is free to use and can be effec­tive if kept simple.

Be care­ful of jump­ing on the chat­bot trend – it only works in cer­tain sim­ple cir­cum­stances. It can be ide­al if you get a high vol­ume of easy-to-answer ques­tions every day. You can set up your chat­bot to answer these straight­for­ward ques­tions with­out hiccups.

Create a community 

Cre­ate a Face­book group for your poten­tial and cur­rent cus­tomers. If your brand devel­ops a pas­sion­ate fol­low­ing, they will be repeat-buy­ing and keen to try new prod­ucts as they come out.

A Face­book group is sim­i­lar to a mail­ing list, but you can send updates right to peo­ples’ Face­book accounts instead of their mail inbox­es. It might also have the extra ben­e­fit of cus­tomer ser­vice: oth­er cus­tomers might answer some ques­tions with first-hand expe­ri­ence of your prod­ucts – a free cus­tomer ser­vice solution!


So, there we have it! There are the Face­book mar­ket­ing trends 2022. Stay­ing on top of trends as they emerge can help your busi­ness stand out against your competitors.

If you’re a small busi­ness with a tight mar­ket­ing bud­get, you can still make some impres­sive changes to your Face­book strat­e­gy with­out break­ing the bank.

Cus­tomers have a bril­liant eye for out­dat­ed mar­ket­ing tech­niques and sales talk. There­fore, it’s cru­cial that you stay on trend as you might get left behind in exchange for more mod­ern competitors.

If you’d like some help with your social media strat­e­gy, we’re here for you. Choose between three social media man­age­ment plans to get the right one for your busi­ness. We also offer sup­port with paid adver­tis­ing strate­gies so you can tar­get your ide­al cus­tomers and get fast results.



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