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7 min read Guide to Video Marketing KPIs

A Guide to Video Marketing KPIs

Key Takeaways

  • The best KPIs to watch will change depending on whether you want to improve awareness, engagement, conversions, or retention.
  • For building awareness and engagement, you should monitor KPIs such as views, impressions, reach, play rate, comments, likes, and view-through rate.
  • If you want to improve conversions and retention, you’ll be better off focusing on KPIs such as CTR, cost per acquisition, ROI, return visits, and favourability lift.

When it comes to har­ness­ing the pow­er of video mar­ket­ing, track­ing views won’t cut it; you will need more pow­er­ful insights into your video efforts and how they impact your over­all mar­ket­ing strategy.

This is where key per­for­mance indi­ca­tors (KPIs) come in: KPIs are mea­sur­able val­ues that indi­cate how effec­tive your video mar­ket­ing efforts are. They allow you to track engage­ment, click-throughs, and more. And this, in turn, allows you to hone in on what needs to be adjust­ed to opti­mise your results.

Let’s dive into the video mar­ket­ing KPIs you should track to opti­mise your mar­ket­ing strategy.

Why Measure Video Performance?

Before we explore which KPIs to track, here are three rea­sons to mea­sure video performance:

1. To guide decision making

Track­ing your per­for­mance gives you a way to quan­ti­fy your progress. When you know what’s going right and wrong with your video mar­ket­ing, you can make informed deci­sions about your next steps.

2. To get a better ROI

If you’re using video to sup­port your mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, mea­sur­ing your per­for­mance allows you to iden­ti­fy which areas of your strat­e­gy need to be opti­mised. That’s not all: the right met­rics can show you where to invest your resources for a bet­ter return on invest­ment (ROI).

3. To create better content

To har­ness the pow­er of video, it’s cru­cial to cre­ate con­tent that res­onates with your tar­get audi­ence. The right met­rics will help you iden­ti­fy what types of video con­tent res­onate with your audi­ence. Armed with this infor­ma­tion, you can opti­mise your con­tent strategy.

Video Marketing KPIs You Should Track

With so many KPIs avail­able, which ones do you track to mea­sure the suc­cess of your video marketing?

First, con­sid­er how video mar­ket­ing fits into your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. In gen­er­al, video mar­ket­ing strate­gies are designed to achieve any or all of the following:

  • Stronger brand aware­ness (Aware­ness goals)
  • High­er lev­els of engage­ment (Con­sid­er­a­tion goals)
  • More con­ver­sions (Action or con­ver­sion goals)
  • Greater cus­tomer loy­al­ty (Reten­tion goals)

Once you’ve deter­mined which of these goals you’re chas­ing, link them to the right KPIs to start track­ing your per­for­mance. If you’re won­der­ing how to select the right KPIs, we’ve got you cov­ered. We’ll review which KPIs work best with each of the goals list­ed above and why.

1. Awareness goals

If you’re using video mar­ket­ing to attract more leads, then you should be track­ing these KPIs:

  • Views
  • Impres­sions
  • Unique Users
  • Aware­ness Lift
  • Reach
  • Leads gen­er­at­ed
  • Social shares
  • Play rate
  • View­er demographics


Video views give you a good indi­ca­tion of how many poten­tial leads have been exposed to your busi­ness. Views also tell you if your videos are engag­ing or not hit­ting the mark.

What makes a view tends to vary from plat­form to plat­form, so be sure to fac­tor that into your analy­sis. For instance, if a video is viewed for at least 30 sec­onds, YouTube counts that as a view. With Face­book and Insta­gram, any­thing after the 3‑second mark is con­sid­ered a view.


Impres­sions refer to the num­ber of times your video has been seen by view­ers, even if they don’t engage with it direct­ly. If your impres­sions are high, this is a pos­i­tive sign that you’re gain­ing expo­sure. If your impres­sions are low, con­sid­er adjust­ing your ad set­tings so that more peo­ple are exposed to your content.

Unique users

Unlike impres­sions, the unique user met­ric gives you a bet­ter under­stand­ing of who’s engag­ing with your con­tent. A high num­ber of views and a low num­ber of unique users implies that your videos are being watched by the same peo­ple mul­ti­ple times.

While this could mean that repeat view­ers gen­uine­ly enjoy your con­tent, you might need to ramp up your efforts to attract new viewers.


Reach tells you the num­ber of unique view­ers that have seen your video. The high­er this fig­ure is, the bet­ter, as this means that your videos are reach­ing more view­ers and poten­tial leads.

Leads gen­er­at­ed

If you’re using videos as lead mag­nets, track­ing this KPI shows you how suc­cess­ful your efforts are at get­ting leads into your fun­nel. If some of your videos aren’t attract­ing many leads, you’ll have enough data to replace them with those that are.

Aware­ness lift

Mea­sur­ing this KPI allows you to deter­mine the aver­age num­ber of view­ers who remem­ber your brand and prod­uct after a cer­tain amount of time. If you’re keen to make your brand and prod­ucts more mem­o­rable, ensure that you deeply under­stand your audi­ence’s needs.

Ad recall lift

An ad recall lift is a met­ric used to deter­mine the num­ber of peo­ple who remem­ber the con­tent of a video with­in days of view­ing it. If you’d like to increase ad recall, ensure that your con­tent is rel­e­vant and entertaining.

Social shares

Social shares are a pos­i­tive sign that audi­ences con­sid­er your con­tent worth shar­ing. If you’re aim­ing for increased inter­est in your brand and qual­i­ty leads, focus on cre­at­ing riv­et­ing, val­ue-laden content.

View­er demographics

By com­pil­ing data such as view­er gen­der, age, device, and loca­tion, you’ll have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of who is engag­ing with your con­tent. From there, you can adjust your strategy.

Play rate

This met­ric shows the exact num­ber of times a view­er clicks the “play” but­ton on your video. If this num­ber isn’t as high as you would like, you may need to change how you pro­mote your videos to make them more entic­ing. Con­sid­er cre­at­ing more inter­est­ing thumb­nails or opti­mis­ing your titles.

2. Consideration goals

If you want to engage poten­tial cus­tomers and get them to con­sid­er you over your com­peti­tors, the right KPIs to track include the following:

  • View-through rate
  • Watch time
  • Favoura­bil­i­ty lift
  • Con­sid­er­a­tion lift
  • Brand inter­est lift
  • Com­ments and likes

View through rate

View-through rate keeps track of how many peo­ple watch a video to the end. High­er view-through rates imply that a video is engag­ing. Low­er rates, how­ev­er, may imply that a video isn’t up to standard.

To increase your view-through rate, focus on cre­at­ing con­tent that res­onates with your tar­get audi­ence. You may need to do a deep dive into what makes your audi­ence tick.

Start by analysing your videos to deter­mine the most pop­u­lar drop-off points. When you’ve iden­ti­fied what’s push­ing your view­ers away, work on address­ing this in future videos.

Watch time

Watch time refers to the total time a video has been watched. High­er watch times sig­nal that your videos are engag­ing. This may give you a com­pet­i­tive edge and access to more views on plat­forms like YouTube.

Favoura­bil­i­ty lift

If you’re curi­ous about how view­ers per­ceive your brand after inter­act­ing with your con­tent, this KPI unlocks that infor­ma­tion. When used to mon­i­tor indi­vid­ual videos, favoura­bil­i­ty lift gives you a clear­er pic­ture of what types of con­tent your audi­ence favours.

Con­sid­er­a­tion lift

Con­sid­er­a­tion lift mea­sures how suc­cess­ful a par­tic­u­lar video is in increas­ing brand aware­ness. And how like­ly a cus­tomer is to con­vert after watch­ing it. Con­sid­er­a­tion lift also high­lights the most engag­ing videos across mul­ti­ple videos.

Brand inter­est lift

Mea­sur­ing brand inter­est lift allows you to 1) deter­mine how inter­est­ed prospects are in your brand and 2) deter­mine how engag­ing your videos are.

Com­ments and likes

Likes and com­ments help pro­vide insight into what view­ers are think­ing. View­er feed­back is also a great way to get more con­tent ideas and iden­ti­fy areas of concern.

3. Conversion goals

If you want to con­vert leads into pay­ing cus­tomers, the KPIs to mea­sure are:

  • Click through rate
  • Con­ver­sion rate
  • Cost per acquisition
  • Pur­chase intent lift
  • Return on investment

Click through rate

Click-through rate (CTR) allows you to track how suc­cess­ful a video is at get­ting poten­tial cus­tomers to click on your CTAs. When you iden­ti­fy which videos earn the most click-throughs, you can pin­point why they work so well and opti­mise future video campaigns.

To mea­sure your click-through rate, divide the num­ber of clicks that your ad receives by the num­ber of times your ad is seen. If your rate isn’t up to scratch, you may need to improve your videos and CTAs.

Con­ver­sion rate

Con­ver­sion rate mea­sures the num­ber of cus­tomers gen­er­at­ed through a video cam­paign. When you can track exact­ly how your video mar­ket­ing efforts influ­ence your bot­tom line, you’ll have access to pow­er­ful, action­able insights. You’ll also be able to quan­ti­fy your return on investment.

A high con­ver­sion rate tells you that your video strat­e­gy is rel­e­vant and per­sua­sive. A low­er rate implies that you may need to go back to the draw­ing board.

Cost per acquisition

Cost per acqui­si­tion is a mea­sure of the total cost of get­ting a pay­ing cus­tomer. By divid­ing your total video mar­ket­ing costs by the num­ber of cus­tomer acqui­si­tions, you’ll have an idea of how much your video strat­e­gy is cost­ing you.

The idea is to keep your costs as low as pos­si­ble while max­imis­ing con­ver­sions. So, if your costs are very high, you may need to adjust your strategy.

Return on investment

Track­ing ROI requires you to com­pare the sales direct­ly linked to your videos against the amount of mon­ey it took to cre­ate and mar­ket them. This tells you whether you made a prof­it or loss and helps you make sound deci­sions about how to allo­cate your resources.

Pur­chase intent lift

This met­ric is great for mea­sur­ing how suc­cess­ful your videos are at nur­tur­ing cap­tured leads and influ­enc­ing them to buy from you. Any insights gath­ered should be used to opti­mise future videos.

4. Customer retention goals

If you want to per­suade your cus­tomers to buy from you again and pos­si­bly rec­om­mend you to friends and fam­i­ly, you’ll need to pro­vide them with val­ue long after they have pur­chased your prod­uct or ser­vice. As this is usu­al­ly done through addi­tion­al video con­tent, like tips, rec­om­men­da­tions, and tuto­r­i­al videos, the KPIs you’ll want to track are:

  • Favoura­bil­i­ty lift
  • Return vis­its
  • Social inter­ac­tion

Favoura­bil­i­ty lift

Track­ing favoura­bil­i­ty lift tells you how effec­tive your videos are at improv­ing your brand per­cep­tion. By under­stand­ing which videos gar­ner the most approval, you’ll be able to cre­ate sim­i­lar content.

Return vis­its

By mea­sur­ing return vis­its to your web­sites and land­ing pages, you’ll have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of what types of video con­tent help you attract and retain customers.

Social inter­ac­tion

Track­ing social inter­ac­tions is a great way to check if your video con­tent is suc­cess­ful­ly get­ting cus­tomers to 1) buy again or 2) share your con­tent, or 3) leave pos­i­tive reviews on your social channels.

Mon­i­tor­ing how new videos affect likes, shares and fol­low­er counts also helps you deter­mine if your con­tent is doing a good job of delight­ing your audience.

How To Track KPIs

Ana­lyt­ics plat­forms such as Google Ana­lyt­ics and Kiss­met­rics can help you track a major­i­ty of the KPIs we’ve explored. If your videos are host­ed on oth­er plat­forms, such as YouTube or Face­book, you’ll also have access to addi­tion­al plat­form-spe­cif­ic insights.

For the brand lift fac­tors dis­cussed above (aware­ness lift, ad recall lift, con­sid­er­a­tion lift, brand inter­est lift, favoura­bil­i­ty lift and pur­chase intent lift), you’ll need to use con­sumer research and cus­tomer sur­veys to gath­er insights.

How To Use KPIs To Optimise Your Video Strategy

Once you’ve aligned your goals and KPIs, you need to deter­mine what you’ll mea­sure them against. Indus­try aver­ages and com­pet­i­tive bench­marks are usu­al­ly good places to start. But this isn’t pos­si­ble with video mar­ket­ing because strate­gies vary from busi­ness to busi­ness. As a result, you’ll need to deter­mine what video mar­ket­ing suc­cess means for your business.

Instead of rely­ing on exter­nal bench­marks, con­sid­er set­ting your own. For exam­ple, you might find it help­ful to com­pare new cam­paigns with old ones. If you don’t have rel­e­vant his­tor­i­cal data, forge ahead and tweak your strat­e­gy as you go along.

With a wealth of action­able insights at your dis­pos­al, it’s tempt­ing to act on all of them at once. How­ev­er, this will make test­ing dif­fi­cult. It’s bet­ter to make one change at a time and then mea­sure how that affects your audience.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been focus­ing on views and likes, it’s time to piv­ot to more insight­ful met­rics. Track­ing the right video mar­ket­ing KPIs will give you the pow­er to engage new audi­ences and ensure that you are strate­gis­ing and bud­get­ing effec­tive­ly for future video campaigns.

Ulti­mate­ly, test­ing, mea­sur­ing, and opti­mis­ing your video strat­e­gy will push you clos­er to achiev­ing your over­ar­ch­ing busi­ness goals.

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