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3 min read purpose of robots.txt file for SEO

The purpose of a robots.txt file

Key Takeaways

  • A robots.txt file tells search engines which parts of a website they can crawl.
  • The file is located at the top-level directory of a website and provides instructions for web crawlers to follow.
  • Using a robots.txt file can benefit a site's crawl budget and prevent access to parts of a site that need fixing.
  • The "noindex" tag can be used to prevent a specific page from appearing in search results because the robots.txt file does not necessarily do this.

What is a robots.txt file?

robots.txt is a tex­tu­al file that serves the pur­pose of telling search engines which parts of your web­site they can crawl. Search engines deploy so-called “spi­ders” and “bots” that crawl the web, read­ing and index­ing pages they come upon. When they reach a spe­cif­ic web­site, they look for the robots.txt file and infor­ma­tion relat­ing to what they should crawl and what they should ignore.

How does the robots.txt work?

Spi­ders and bots trav­el across the web by fol­low­ing links from web­site A to B to C, and so on. When they reach the robots.txt, some­times also called “Robots Exclu­sion Pro­to­col”, they use it to look up which pages they are allowed to crawl and index.

Are all bots required to obey the information from robots.txt?

Some spi­ders (bots) can opt to ignore robots.txt. These are usu­al­ly mal­ware bots, spam­ming bots or email scrap­ers. The major­i­ty of bots from estab­lished search engines such as Google and Yahoo will adhere to the instruc­tions in the file.

Do I need a robots.txt on my website?

If you want search engines to index your entire web­site, and there is noth­ing you want to block access to, then you don’t need to both­er with robots.txt at all. When a bot reach­es a par­tic­u­lar web­site and does not find the robots.txt file, it will sim­ply pro­ceed to crawl the entire website.

Where do I need to put the robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file has to be at a web­site’s top-lev­el direc­to­ry. You can access any web­site’s robots.txt by adding /robots.txt to the root domain URL, such as https://www.example.com/robots.txt.  It is also very impor­tant to make sure the file is cor­rect­ly named “robots.txt”. “Robots.txt or ROBOTS.txt” are incor­rect file names, since the file is case sensitive.

What are the basic instructions that robots.txt gives?

Allow­ing all web crawlers to access all content:


Block­ing all web crawlers from all content

Disallow: /

It is pos­si­ble to block only spe­cif­ic crawlers that obey the rules of “Robots Exclu­sion Pro­to­col”. In gen­er­al, there is a con­sen­sus among all the big, estab­lished search engines, dis­al­low­ing access to a spe­cif­ic fold­er or the entire web­site.

User-agent: Google­bot
Dis­al­low: https://www.example.com/blocked-page.html

User-agent: Bing­bot
Dis­al­low: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-con­tent/u­ploads

In the first instance, robots.txt is not allow­ing the Google­bot to vis­it a spe­cif­ic page. These orders are spe­cif­ic and mean that Google­bot can crawl any oth­er page, and that all oth­er bots can crawl and index any page on that web­site they can reach.

In the sec­ond instance, Bing­bot is not allowed to index the admin­is­tra­tor fold­er on a Word­Press instal­la­tion. but it is allowed to crawl and index all the uploaded con­tent (images) from the uploads fold­er in the instal­la­tion fold­er of the website.

What are the advantages of using robots.txt?

Each web­site has a spe­cif­ic “crawl bud­get”, the num­ber of web pages a search engine bot will crawl on that web­site. When block­ing parts of a web­site from crawl­ing, one can free up the bud­get for crawl­ing the rest of the web­site, in case it has a very large num­ber of pages. It is also good to pre­vent bots from crawl­ing parts of the web­site that still need to be cleaned up or oth­er­wise fixed before they can be pre­sent­ed to the public.

If we disallow a page, will it disappear from search results?

No. If a bot is not allowed to crawl a spe­cif­ic page, it will not do so. How­ev­er, if the search engine finds links to the spe­cif­ic blocked URL on a third-par­ty site, it will crawl the page. It means the page might show up in search results even if dis­al­lowed for crawl­ing in the robots.txt file.

If you want to block a spe­cif­ic page from show­ing in search results, you need to use the “noin­dex” tag. On the oth­er hand, to be able to find the page and not index it, that page must not be blocked by robots.txt.

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