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9 min read WPBackery Page Builder

Advantages of Using WPBakery Builder

Key Takeaways

  • WPBakery Builder can be used by people with no coding experience, though there’s an option for front and back-end building if desired.
  • The interface has been simplified so that it’s easy for users with varying skill levels to use, as well as providing a library of video tutorials for users that want to learn about website building.
  • WPBakery provides pre-built elements such as menus, footers, and sidebars. These, and the plugins, are fully customisable.
  • There’s just a one-time payment that lasts a lifetime rather than a subscription.

Are you look­ing for the eas­i­est way to cre­ate and main­tain a web­site for your business?

We have a solu­tion for you!

Using visu­al page builders is a pop­u­lar solu­tion for cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful and func­tion­al web­sites quick­ly, and with lit­tle to no cod­ing or web design expe­ri­ence required.

Var­i­ous visu­al builders help you to build web­sites on your own, with­out the help of design­ers and devel­op­ers, but the truth is it’s hard to achieve the same lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al­ism when doing it on your own.

Pro­gram­mers and design­ers have the knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence to cre­ate fast, func­tion­al web­sites, with­out extra code and unnec­es­sary elements.

Word­Press is one of the most pop­u­lar CMS plat­forms used for cre­at­ing web­sites, but the basic page edi­tor that it comes with is sim­ply not enough if you want to build the per­fect website.

WPBak­ery Page Builder is one of the most pop­u­lar page builder tools on the market.

What is WPBakery?

The WPBak­ery Builder is a plu­g­in, designed specif­i­cal­ly for Word­Press websites.

The visu­al builder allows you to take com­plete con­trol over the front- and back-end of your web­site. With a wide range of ele­ments and tem­plates, you can cre­ate your unique web­site quick­ly. The inter­face is intu­itive and easy to use and requires zero pro­gram­ming knowledge.

Sim­i­lar to oth­er pop­u­lar visu­al page builders such as Ele­men­tor and Beaver Builder, WPBak­ery Builder is sold as a pre­mi­um plugin.

Advantages of using WPBakery

One of the major ben­e­fits of the WPBak­ery Builder is that all ele­ments and tem­plates with­in the plu­g­in are ful­ly cus­tomis­able, and they are built with respon­sive­ness and SEO in mind.

That means that with lit­tle effort from your side, you can cre­ate a respon­sive and SEO-friend­ly web­site that is easy to use by your clients.

Simple and easy to use interface

As men­tioned above, one of the best things about the plu­g­in is that you can use it even if you have no cod­ing expe­ri­ence. The inter­face is clean, easy to use, and sim­ple to inter­act with.

Open the front-end edi­tor and you’ll see an exact match of your live web­page with addi­tion­al struc­tur­al menus and buttons.

The dif­fer­ent menus are colour-cod­ed to help you work easily.

You can add ele­ments by press­ing the green + but­ton, edit by press­ing the green pen­cil icon, or dupli­cate con­tent by using the green dupli­cate icon.

You can drag and drop ele­ments to make sure every­thing fits correctly.

And the best part?

The visu­al edi­tor allows you to see the changes on the page while you’re mak­ing them, to ensure you don’t make mis­takes while editing.

This visu­al inter­face is one of the biggest ben­e­fits of the plugin.

To access the visu­al edi­tor, sim­ply click on the “Edit” but­ton below any page and then click on the “front-end Edi­tor” button.

Front-end and back-end page building

The WPBak­ery Builder offers front- and back-end build­ing options for any website.

The back-end page build­ing option is the best choice for peo­ple who have some cod­ing expe­ri­ence and can work with HTML and CSS.

The back-end builder also comes with an easy-to-use inter­face. The dif­fer­ent sec­tions cre­ate a wire­frame and con­sist of an organ­ised list with all con­tent on the page but with­out pro­vid­ing the visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the page.

The back-end edi­tor takes the place of the Clas­sic Edi­tor in the Word­Press dash­board and com­bines it with the plu­g­in features.

It lets you com­bine dif­fer­ent Word­Press tools and cus­tomise and design the dif­fer­ent pages.

You can fur­ther per­son­alise the look of a page with cus­tom CSS by click­ing the gear button.

In the back-end edi­tor, you can also assign dif­fer­ent class­es and IDs to the ele­ments to be able to edit them globally.

With WPBak­ery, you get to choose if the front-end or back-end edi­tor works best for you, or you can choose to use a com­bi­na­tion of both edi­tors in dif­fer­ent situations.

You can use prepared content elements

Every web page is a com­bi­na­tion of dif­fer­ent elements.

Take this page you’re read­ing as an example.

On the top of the page, you see a head­er menu with links to the most impor­tant pages on the web­site. On the side­bar, there are a few ele­ments such as the search bar, cat­e­gories, and recent posts section.

The words you’re read­ing sep­a­rat­ed by the images are also elements.

Scroll down to the bot­tom of the page and you’ll find a foot­er with help­ful links and a con­tact form.

WPBak­ery pro­vides you with a lot of pre-built ele­ments, which can also be used eas­i­ly on your pages.

These ele­ment libraries are stan­dard to most page-builder tools.

When you cre­ate a blank page, you usu­al­ly start by adding columns and rows where the con­tent will be placed.

In these rows and columns, you can add and edit var­i­ous elements.

You can open the ele­ments library by click­ing the + button.

Some of the ele­ments you can incor­po­rate are head­ings, text blogs, images, gal­leries, lists, dividers, but­tons, con­tact us forms, progress bar, FAQ sec­tion, recent posts sec­tion, and much more!

The colour­ful list of sec­tions might look over­whelm­ing at first, but it gives you every­thing you can pos­si­bly need to cre­ate a func­tion­al and pro­fes­sion­al website.

For eas­i­er use, the dif­fer­ent ele­ments are fil­tered into categories:

  • Con­tent
  • Social
  • Struc­ture
  • Word­Press Widgets

Each ele­ment comes with the abil­i­ty to edit its unique settings.

For exam­ple, a gallery ele­ment fea­tures set­tings for adding images, edit­ing image styles and sizes.

A but­ton ele­ment comes with a fea­ture to link to an inter­nal or exter­nal web­page and cus­tomise the appear­ance of that par­tic­u­lar button.

You can use pre-built templates

WPBak­ery also comes with a large tem­plate library.

In the library, you can find tem­plates for dif­fer­ent sec­tions or whole pages.

That’s a huge advan­tage for peo­ple with no expe­ri­ence, for peo­ple who are on a tight time­frame, or for those who have no idea which design to choose for a par­tic­u­lar section.

You can browse the library, choose a pre-made seg­ment, and use colours and shapes to help it res­onate with your brand and website.

WPBak­ery also allows you to cre­ate your own tem­plates and save them for lat­er use. This fea­ture is per­fect for larg­er web­sites that reuse the same type of design for dif­fer­ent pages: for exam­ple for ser­vice and blog post pages.

You can add tem­plates from the back-end edi­tor as well. Just cre­ate a new page and click on the “Add Tem­plate” button.

To save a page or a sec­tion as a tem­plate, all you need to do is click the edit but­ton, go to the set­tings and select “Save as tem­plate”.

The tem­plate gallery enables you to cre­ate a whole web­site with­out writ­ing a line of code and saves a lot of time in the process.

Devel­op­ing a web­site from scratch can usu­al­ly take from a cou­ple of weeks to a cou­ple of months. WPBak­ery can help you build your web­site in just a few days!

Responsive design for different devices

Respon­sive design guar­an­tees that your web­site will look good no mat­ter what type of device the vis­i­tor is using.

Respon­sive design also assures that your vis­i­tors receive the best expe­ri­ence and read­abil­i­ty, even on small­er phones.

WPBak­ery Page Builder can help you make your web­site look good on both desk­top and mobile with­out extra coding.

With WPBak­ery, you can con­trol how the ele­ments stack togeth­er on dif­fer­ent screens and res­o­lu­tions. You can even remove cer­tain com­po­nents for a spe­cif­ic device type.

To do that, sim­ply open the front-end edi­tor view and choose a device type from the drop-down menu next to the “back-end edi­tor” but­ton on the top right corner.

Functional grid builder

The Grid Builder is a tool inside WPBak­ery that helps you cre­ate unique grid tem­plates for your web­site. To access it, open the Word­Press dash­board, find the WPBak­ery plu­g­in and choose Grid Builder from the submenu.

The options avail­able allow you to cre­ate dif­fer­ent grid tem­plates and con­trol the appear­ance and the look of the indi­vid­ual items with­in the grid.

It helps you divide dif­fer­ent ele­ments that fit into cer­tain sec­tions and make your whole web­page look tidi­er and visu­al­ly appealing.

The grid builder allows you to add var­i­ous ani­ma­tion styles, and you can also include dif­fer­ent text and image ele­ments with­in the grid templates.

This fea­ture is per­fect for cre­at­ing port­fo­lios, pho­to and video gal­leries, and oth­er sec­tions that require grid arrangement.

This is how the grid builder looks from the inside.

After you cre­ate a grid tem­plate, you can incor­po­rate it on dif­fer­ent web pages. To do that, you first need to choose one of the grid ele­ments from the WPBak­ery Library.

After select­ing a grid ele­ment, go ahead and click on the “Item Design” section.

You can find a wide range of pre-made grid tem­plates, includ­ing the tem­plates you made on the bottom.

The grid builder does not come with many con­tent ele­ments, unlike the pri­ma­ry WPBak­ery Library.

How­ev­er, grids can still be use­ful if you want to quick­ly design a recent posts sec­tion, a pho­to gallery sec­tion, or a CTA sec­tion, for example.

Intuitive skin colour generator

The intu­itive skin gen­er­a­tor is anoth­er amaz­ing func­tion that comes with the WPBak­ery builder.

The intu­itive skin builder lets you choose your own colour scheme and eas­i­ly use the colours you set up through­out the whole website.

You can choose a pri­ma­ry colour for ele­ments, a sec­ondary one, the hov­er colour, and more.

This is a great fea­ture to use to make sure that the whole web­site is cohe­sive and uses the same colours through­out all the pages.

Imag­ine that you decide to change one of the used colours. With WPBak­ery, you only need to go to the skin gen­er­a­tor and change the colour there, instead of man­u­al­ly chang­ing and check­ing each page on the website.

To take advan­tage of this fea­ture, go to the Word­Press dash­board and choose Design Options from the WPBak­ery submenu.

You need to enable the option to use cus­tom design options by select­ing the box on top of the menu.

After you do that, you’re free to select your cus­tom colours.

You pay just once

Unlike oth­er page builders that come with annu­al pay­ment plans, the WPBak­ery charges a sin­gle fee.

You get to choose from two pay­ment plans — a reg­u­lar one that comes with a fee of $45 and an extend­ed one that comes with a fee of $245.

You can return your pur­chase plan for a refund with­in 15 days, for any reason.

WPBak­ery does not offer a free ver­sion with lim­it­ed fea­tures to test the plu­g­in on your web­site. They do offer a demo ver­sion you can inter­act with to test out the inter­face and decide if it’s the right builder for your needs.

You can acti­vate your demo ver­sion here.

Both WPBak­ery pack­ages come with life­time sup­port. You pay once, and you can use it for an unlim­it­ed amount of time. That means that you get life­time prod­uct updates as long as you own a license.

This makes WPBak­ery one of the most afford­able page-build­ing solu­tions on the market.

Video tutorial library

WPBak­ery Page Builder comes with its own free video tuto­ri­als library. The video tuto­ri­als will help you learn tricks, and will teach you every­thing you need to know about using the plu­g­in to build a website.

In the library, you can find tips and tricks on how to use the grid builder, how to incor­po­rate and per­son­alise dif­fer­ent ele­ments, pre-made tem­plates, and themes into your web­site; how to add cus­tom CSS, and more!

Let’s sum up some of the amaz­ing advan­tages you get with the WPBak­ery Page Builder:

  • You don’t need to have cod­ing expe­ri­ence to cre­ate a website
  • You have access to both front-end and back-end page editors
  • You can use pre-built sec­tions and templates
  • You can cus­tomise the style of your web­site easily
  • You only need to pay a sin­gle fee, and you can use the plu­g­in for an unlim­it­ed time

In con­clu­sion, the WPBak­ery Page Builder is a great solu­tion for peo­ple who have lit­tle to no expe­ri­ence in cod­ing and web design in general.

While build­ing your web­site on your own might seem like a lot of fun, not every­one is up to the task. 

If you need expert advice and assis­tance in design­ing and devel­op­ing func­tion­al and pro­fes­sion­al web­sites, feel free to con­tact us.

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