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4 min read Why you should invest in the maintenance of your website

Website Insurance: Why you should invest in the maintenance of your website

Key Takeaways

  • Neglecting website insurance and maintenance will leave you vulnerable to losing customer interest and significant income if your site breaks for too long.
  • Malfunctioning websites can suffer in the SERPs and take a long time to earn back their previous ranking once they’re back online.
  • Your company’s reputation could be damaged if customers encounter your website when it’s performing poorly or broken. Plus, it’s expensive to fix once the damage has been done.

Today, hav­ing a web­site is more impor­tant than ever. The major­i­ty of busi­ness deci­sions start with an online search. For this rea­son, you want to present your busi­ness through your own web­site, so your poten­tial cus­tomers don’t have to read about you from sec­ondary sources. You have prob­a­bly insured oth­er things that impor­tant to you: your car, your home, maybe even your life – but what about web­site insurance?

Website insurance

To find out about your com­pa­ny, the first thing some­one will do is go online and search for your busi­ness. It is imper­a­tive to have an appeal­ing and pro­fes­sion­al web­site, which reflects your cor­po­rate brand­ing, and presents your busi­ness accu­rate­ly and in the best light, but above all, it has to be eas­i­ly acces­si­ble 24/7, and func­tion well at all times.

If some­thing breaks, it will reflect poor­ly on your com­pa­ny image and leave your vis­i­tors frus­trat­ed and unsat­is­fied. For many poten­tial clients or cus­tomers, your web­site will be the first impres­sion of your com­pa­ny. Do you want to risk leav­ing them with a neg­a­tive image, when decid­ing whether or not to pur­sue doing busi­ness with you?

93% of all busi­ness deci­sions start with an online search!

This is why your mar­ket­ing bud­gets need to be explic­it­ly assigned and allo­cat­ed for:

  • build­ing a website
  • ongo­ing main­te­nance of that website

Due to the light­ning speed of tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment, with new browsers cre­at­ed and exist­ing ones con­stant­ly being updat­ed and enriched with new fea­tures, new devices com­ing out on the mar­ket, as well as Word­Press ver­sions and plu­g­ins updates, etc., it is very hard to ensure that a web­site will work flaw­less­ly all the time. How­ev­er, you can min­i­mize the pos­si­bil­i­ty of occur­ring prob­lems with reg­u­lar and qual­i­ty main­te­nance, and in terms of con­serv­ing a pos­i­tive brand image and sav­ing mon­ey, min­i­miz­ing prob­lems makes a big difference.

How much is website insurance worth?

When you come to think of how much web­site insur­ance is worth to you, you need to ask your­self these questions;

  • How much val­ue do you see in your web­site’s cor­rect per­for­mance and the infor­ma­tion you have gath­ered on your website?
  • How much do you val­ue the pos­i­tive image of your brand and company?

If you are unable to answer these ques­tions quick­ly, below are five pri­ma­ry rea­sons why web­site insur­ance is equal­ly as impor­tant as hav­ing a website.

5 reasons you should invest in the maintenance of your website

1. Customer interest

If your cus­tomers, present and poten­tial new ones, can’t reach you, they will be forced to look for an alter­na­tive. They might go to the com­pe­ti­tion for only this one time, but if the prob­lem per­sists, you might lose them forever.

2. Search engine ranking

Mal­ware infect­ed web­sites, and web­sites with long down­times are get­ting down­ranked, some­times even dein­dexed. It can take a long time to get your web­site’s rank­ing back where it was before the prob­lem occurred.

3. Missed income

Con­sid­er how much mon­ey you lose for every hour your web­site does not work as expected.

4. Corporate image

Bear in mind how this affects your online image and the per­cep­tion of the web­site and your busi­ness. If your web­site is unsta­ble, breaks down, or is not often acces­si­ble, it will shake trust even in your loy­al customers.

5. Time investment

How much time (and time is mon­ey) will you waste fix­ing these problems?

purpleplanet Mission Control

Now that that the impor­tance of reg­u­lar­ly main­tain­ing a web­site has become clear­er, let us com­pare the reg­u­lar main­te­nance ser­vice most host­ing com­pa­nies offer, with our supe­ri­or Mis­sion Con­trol main­te­nance service.

Benefits of a WordPress maintenance service

There are numer­ous ben­e­fits to prop­er main­te­nance of your web­site. Here are some of the most important:

What could happen if your website is not fully protected

Just a few days ago, one of my old clients called me with an emer­gency – in the mid­dle of an impor­tant, ongo­ing cam­paign her web­site broke!

The web­site was still acces­si­ble, but the design was entire­ly bro­ken, videos were not show­ing, and it took over 18 sec­onds for the front page to load. She had to stop all paid ads across plat­forms to min­i­mize the dam­age before I was able to fix things.

She was very sor­ry for the pre­vi­ous deci­sion not to invest mon­ey in web­site main­te­nance. Though her web­site worked with­out any prob­lems for months, these few hours cost her a lot more than she saved by not invest­ing into main­te­nance, not to men­tion the stress she put her­self through, and the dam­age to her brand image.

Les­son learned the hard way!

This is only an exam­ple, and not even a par­tic­u­lar­ly ter­ri­fy­ing one. There are so many vari­ables that can cause far more dis­tress­ing consequences.

If you decide not to main­tain your web­site reg­u­lar­ly, it could hurt your busi­ness in many ways. Some­times you may not even be aware that you are los­ing mon­ey due to decreas­ing search engine rank­ing, or your web­site being slow­er than an aver­age vis­i­tor is will­ing to wait. When it comes to func­tion­al­i­ty, parts of your web­site (signup forms, reg­is­tra­tions, logins) might stop work­ing prop­er­ly for a long time before you even notice. Worst of all, your web­site might get hacked and be inac­ces­si­ble for days, and you might even lose all of your valu­able content.

Don’t risk los­ing poten­tial cus­tomers and mon­ey over inad­e­quate web­site main­te­nance. Con­tact us today and we will ensure that your web­site has the best per­for­mance, and func­tions well at all times.

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