
HeroLeads.de is a bilingual, single-page WordPress website with the addition of a blog section. Every element is custom-designed and coded from scratch. Elementor builder is integrated for easy ongoing management.

HeroLeads client want­ed to use a “hero” as the main theme for the web­site, to reflect their brand name and iden­ti­ty but with­out any car­toon­ish ele­ments so the web­site could con­vey trust and pro­fes­sion­al­ism. The client had spe­cif­ic ideas about how each ele­ment on the web­site should be pre­sent­ed but gave us full cre­ative free­dom to come up with the best solu­tions that would meet their require­ments. One of the require­ments was to cus­tom code the whole web­site from scratch in com­bi­na­tion with Ele­men­tor builder, so it would be very sim­ple for them to pub­lish new con­tent and do small­er changes in the future.


This project start­ed with the cre­ation of a new logo that gave the direc­tion for the web­site colour palette, look and feel. The whole web­site is a sin­gle-page with the addi­tion of a blog that allows fur­ther growth and trac­tion of organ­ic traf­fic. To enhance clar­i­ty and make sure none of the sec­tions appear text-heavy, we organ­ised dif­fer­ent text areas into con­tent cards. Brand con­gru­en­cy is ensured through the con­sis­tent use of colours and brand­ing ele­ments, such as the light­ning bolt, instead of bul­let points, tak­en from the logo. To serve Eng­lish and Ger­man audi­ences we used the WPML plu­g­in, which enables a sim­ple lan­guage switch and SEO rank­ings for the con­tent in both languages.

Brand Style Guide

"We want a hero that is friendly and approachable but professional and serious." - that's the instruction we got for the logo creation. "Wow, I thought it will be impossible, but you absolutely nailed it!" - The exact words from our client after the final logo had been delivered!

Initially, the client didn't specify any preferred colours for the creation of the logo but had referenced a couple of websites where red was one of the dominant colours. After the red/grey logo colour combination was approved, we used it as a basis for the website colour palette.
Fieldwork’s shapes successfully combine geometric strokes with the humanistic warmth of the double-storey glyphs, in a system that grows with alternates, swashes and italics for every weight.
Matt and his team did an amazing job with our logo design and the website build. In the beginning, we only had a vague idea of how the website should look but with very specific requirements that were not easy to meet. The purpleplanet team exceeded all expectations and we couldn't be happier with the final result. They are true specialists in every aspect of design and development and always put our interests first.

Even weeks after the project was over, they were happy to make small changes we asked for, without any charges. I can warmly recommend them to anyone who needs a beautiful, functional, and professionally-built website.
Vladimir Leutar HeroLeads - CEO/Owner
Free Consultation
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      We are pleased to welcome you on the purpleplanet!
      To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.