Hand Financial Edu

Hand Financial Edu

Hand Financial Edu

Together with our partner, Sharkey Advertising, we redesigned and then built a website for Hand Financial Edu. It is a fine example of a business landing page, which combines all the necessary principles of modern design and marketing.
Discover how this combination works to provide great user experience and engage with visitors.

The main chal­lenge lies in com­pe­ti­tion. Finan­cial advis­ing is a com­pet­i­tive indus­try that offers so many dif­fer­ent oppor­tu­ni­ties. Which one to choose? How to make your ser­vice so spe­cial that oth­ers would choose you? The answer is in the web­site lay­out, its struc­ture and con­tent. Every­thing on the web­site should speak of com­pe­ten­cy and gain­ing trust. At the same time, the web­site should be bright and catchy to be eas­i­ly remembered.


We used a min­i­mal­is­tic approach in design to make the web­site more trans­par­ent and easy to nav­i­gate, with the use of bright colours to high­light impor­tant ele­ments, images and cus­tom-cre­at­ed content, 

We did­n’t cre­ate just anoth­er web­site, but a unique edu­ca­tion cen­ter with the added val­ue of offer­ing a bet­ter under­stand­ing of per­son­al finan­cial man­age­ment. With the vast diver­si­ty of cours­es avail­able, we designed infor­ma­tion cards for each course cat­e­go­ry for bet­ter navigation.

To make the web­site options clear­er, we added mul­ti­ple CTAs high­light­ed with bright orange.

Brand Style Guide

A combination of orange with shades of blue is popular amongst designers if the goal is to build trust and add a unique note. Orange is an obvious choice to make CTAs noticeable and increase conversion rates. The blues correspond to transparency and trust in design.
Nunito is a well balanced sans serif with rounded terminals. It has been designed mainly to be used as a display font but is useable as a text font too. Nunito was created to be used freely across the internet by web browsers on desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices.
Hand Financial Edu
Hand Financial Edu
Hand Financial Edu
Hand Financial Edu
Hand Financial Edu
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      To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.