Legal-Tech Media

Legal-Tech Media

Legal-Tech Media

We've created this online presence for Legal-Tech Media, using a stripped back, mainly black & white palette. The UI/UX design is stark and simple, allowing users to focus on the information presented on the page. The website is fully responsive and very easy to navigate.

The main chal­lenge with a pri­mar­i­ly dark palette is mak­ing sure the pre­sen­ta­tion of con­tent does­n’t come across as depress­ing and unin­spir­ing. We need­ed to make sure that the con­tent was always clear­ly leg­i­ble, and utilise the palette in an effec­tive way, to ensure vis­i­tors reach the infor­ma­tion they need in the eas­i­est pos­si­ble way.


We decid­ed to keep all images as mono­chrome, to keep the black & white effect of the web­site as clear as pos­si­ble. This result­ed in clear sec­tions on every page, and any colour to high­light a spe­cif­ic ele­ment or call-to-action is that much more effective.

The solu­tion we cre­at­ed is effec­tive­ly a sin­gle-page web­site, with an extra area ded­i­cat­ed to careers and job appli­ca­tions. It loads very quick­ly, and is very sim­ple to navigate.

Brand Style Guide

A mainly dark palette, which has allowed us to create an uncluttered, clean single-page website.
The old posters and signs in the traditional Montserrat neighbourhood of Buenos Aires inspired Julieta Ulanovsky to design this typeface and rescue the beauty of urban typography that emerged in the first half of the twentieth century. The letters that inspired this project have work, dedication, care, colour, contrast, light and life, day and night! These are the types that make the city look so beautiful.
Open Sans
Open Sans was designed with an upright stress, open forms and a neutral, yet friendly appearance. It was optimised for print, web, and mobile interfaces, and has excellent legibility characteristics in its letterforms.
Legal-Tech Media
Legal-Tech Media
Legal-Tech Media
Legal-Tech Media
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      We are pleased to welcome you on the purpleplanet!
      To order the service package you’ve chosen, please fill in the form and we’ll get in touch with you soon.