
Grab a coffee and read our purpleblog

Tea works too. Or hot choco­late. Or even some­thing stronger! Our arti­cles are based on the most com­mon ques­tions we get from our clients, that’s why they are so inter­est­ing to read, and actu­al­ly utilise. You won’t notice how time flies!

Branding 101: The Brand Jigsaw
2 min read

Branding 101: The Brand Jigsaw

Brand or Cor­po­rate Iden­ti­ty is the way your com­pa­ny appears to the out­side world. The sym­bol­ism that allows your audi­ence to visu­al­ly recog­nise you in the mar­ket place. Your brand identity…

Branding 101: Brand Values
2 min read

Branding 101: Brand Values

It’s now time to con­sid­er what your brand strat­e­gy is. You should nar­row it down to no more than three core val­ues and two ‘dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing’ val­ues. There is no ben­e­fit in…

Branding 101: What is a Brand?
2 min read

Branding 101: What is a Brand?

A strong brand can real­ly make or break your busi­ness. It can help your com­pa­ny stand out from com­peti­tors and allow your cus­tomers to iden­ti­fy you imme­di­ate­ly. This cre­ates loyalty…

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