
Grab a coffee and read our purpleblog

Tea works too. Or hot choco­late. Or even some­thing stronger! Our arti­cles are based on the most com­mon ques­tions we get from our clients, that’s why they are so inter­est­ing to read, and actu­al­ly utilise. You won’t notice how time flies!

Why keep WordPress updated?
2 min read

Why keep WordPress updated?

4 key ben­e­fits for keep­ing your Word­Press updat­ed A well-planned, well-devel­oped Word­Press site can pro­vide val­ue for years after it goes live, regard­less of whether you choose to make ongoing…

The importance of having a sitemap
2 min read

The importance of having a sitemap

Hav­ing a sitemap is one of the on-site SEO rank­ing fac­tors. Sitemaps help vis­i­tors to eas­i­er nav­i­gate your site and search engine bots to improve crawl­ing. What is a sitemap A…

What is the best SEO link structure
3 min read

What is the best SEO link structure

The link struc­ture plays a very impor­tant role in the rank­ings of a web­site where two dif­fer­ent seg­ments are being appraised by the search engines; inter­nal link­ing and the link…

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