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8 min read Setting up online store

The Ultimate Guide for Setting Up an Online Store

Key Takeaways

  • To build an online store, you’ll need a domain name, a website builder for e-commerce sites, and a team of excellent web developers and designers.
  • Your key focus points should be ease of use, mobile and desktop optimisation, navigation, CTAs, and trustworthy brand image.
  • After the above, get out there and list your products! Don’t forget to optimise your product descriptions for SEO so that you can obtain that valuable organic traffic.

Whether you already run an exist­ing busi­ness, you’re sick of rely­ing on sales from your local phys­i­cal store, or you want to start a new drop­ship­ping busi­ness online, hav­ing an online e‑commerce store is crucial.

Hav­ing an e‑commerce store can save you costs on rental and staff bills, and the poten­tial of fast inter­na­tion­al deliv­er­ies allows you to reach cus­tomers from all around the globe.

Sta­tis­tics show that in 2020, 16% of all glob­al sales were made through online stores. Trends show that these num­bers are con­stant­ly ris­ing and that more and more peo­ple pre­fer to buy online.

The heart of any suc­cess­ful e‑commerce busi­ness is its online store.

Think of your e‑commerce web­site as the store­front of your busi­ness. Your web­site is the best place to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent prod­ucts and receive cus­tomer feed­back quick­ly. You can upload new prod­ucts or run sales in a mat­ter of minutes.

Luck­i­ly, build­ing an online store is now eas­i­er and quick­er than it was a cou­ple of years ago. Web­site builders such as Word­Press, Wix, and Shopi­fy offer afford­able, cus­tomis­able e‑commerce solutions.

Are you ready to dive into the jour­ney of build­ing your online store?

If you want to get the most out of your new e‑commerce busi­ness, you need to learn how to do every­thing the right way — from buy­ing a domain name to choos­ing a web­site builder. There are also the tasks of design­ing and devel­op­ing a store and cre­at­ing a mar­ket­ing and SEO strat­e­gy for growth and development.

Below are the dif­fer­ent chal­lenges you need to over­come to set up a suc­cess­ful e‑commerce store.

Step 1. Buy a domain name

Since you are read­ing this guide, we’ll assume that you have already explored your niche and com­peti­tors and that you’ve come up with a busi­ness plan.

It is time to choose a domain name for your brand new web­site. A domain name is the part of the web­site URL that high­lights your store name.

For exam­ple, for the URL etsy.com, the domain name is Etsy, which is also the com­pa­ny name.

When choos­ing your domain name, make sure to avoid well-known titles that already exist or ones sim­i­lar to big exist­ing brands. Avoid long and com­pli­cat­ed names. Keep it as sim­ple as pos­si­ble to allow your cus­tomers to remem­ber you easily.

It’s tempt­ing to choose a name that is already out there, but this can only hurt your busi­ness. You want to make your online store stand out, not make it merge with oth­er brands.

If you don’t have any ideas for nam­ing your web­site, host­ing plat­forms like Godad­dy, Big­com­merce or Hostago­tor can help you make this choice. Enter 1 or 2 key­words that match your niche and browse the results until you find a suit­able domain name.

Once you have your domain name, you need to choose your web­site suf­fix such as .com, .net, .biz, .org, etc.

The .com and .org exten­sions are con­sid­ered top-lev­el domains. A .com domain name is the most pop­u­lar domain option out there, and it’s the best option for e‑commerce websites.

Some research shows that Google’s pre­ferred domain exten­sion is .com because most peo­ple brows­ing online assume that a busi­ness web­site con­sists of the busi­ness’s name and .com at the end.

Step 2. Choose an e‑commerce builder

To start sell­ing prod­ucts online, you will need a web­site that attracts cus­tomers and encour­ages pur­chas­es. A well-opti­mised and secure pay­ment process and a good site struc­ture are essen­tial for web­site performance.

When build­ing an online store, one of the most impor­tant steps is choos­ing the right web­site builder.

There are a bunch of e‑commerce store builders on the mar­ket that help you cre­ate and cus­tomise your online store with­out you need­ing any advanced cod­ing skills.

Here are some of these platforms:

Wix Website Builder

Wix’s web­site builder has plen­ty of unique, ful­ly cus­tomis­able e‑commerce themes to choose from. When you sign up for their ser­vices, you get flex­i­ble design capa­bil­i­ties and pro­fes­sion­al ana­lyt­i­cal tools to man­age and analyse your web­site’s performance.

The web­site builder also offers afford­able sub­scrip­tion plans.

Wix is the per­fect start­ing point for small busi­ness­es or new drop­ship­ping busi­ness­es. Even if your busi­ness is rel­a­tive­ly small, you don’t have to start with the most expen­sive plan.

With all pre­mi­um plans, you can con­nect your domain, remove ads from the web­site and list an unlim­it­ed amount of products.

Learn more about the com­plete list of fea­tures on Wix’s web­site here.

Shopify Website Builder

Shopi­fy is one of the most pop­u­lar plat­forms for build­ing e‑commerce web­sites on the mar­ket. The builder is packed with cus­tomis­able tem­plates with intu­itive set­up set­tings that make them easy to work with.

Shopi­fy gives you full access to HTML and CSS for full web­site cus­tomi­sa­tion, which is excel­lent if you have cod­ing experience.

Shopi­fy offers great mar­ket­ing, ana­lyt­ics, and social media inte­gra­tions that help you achieve your mar­ket­ing goals.

Shopi­fy offers more expen­sive pric­ing options than sim­i­lar web­site builders on the mar­ket, but the ser­vices and sup­port it offers in return are of a high-qual­i­ty and focused entire­ly on scal­ing and devel­op­ing online stores.

If you intend to cre­ate a vast e‑commerce web­site that sells hun­dreds of prod­ucts to dif­fer­ent cus­tomers from all over the world, Shopi­fy is the per­fect choice for you. Fur­ther­more, Shopi­fy is usu­al­ly the best choice for busi­ness­es that already have a reg­u­lar month­ly turnover.

WordPress Website Builder

Word­Press is one of the largest plat­forms for cre­at­ing dif­fer­ent types of web­sites. The plat­form offers var­i­ous tem­plates that you can customise.

Word­Press sub­scrip­tion plans offer all the tools you need to build, set up and man­age your online store. Its pre­mi­um plans pro­vide great secu­ri­ty and SEO tools.

If you have a small busi­ness and you intend to start your online store with a few dozen prod­ucts, Word­Press is the per­fect choice for you.

Step 3. Choose the right subscription plan

What­ev­er type of web­site builder you choose, the next impor­tant step is to pick a sub­scrip­tion plan that fits your com­pa­ny’s needs. The big­ger the site you want to build and the more func­tions you want to cus­tomise, the big­ger the sub­scrip­tion plan you’ll need to buy.

Deter­mine how many prod­ucts you plan to sell. If you intend to start with a small num­ber of prod­ucts, buy­ing a sim­pler plan with few­er func­tions is best.

If you want to sell lots of prod­ucts online, it is best to buy pro­fes­sion­al­ly with as many func­tion­al­i­ties as pos­si­ble. The more trans­ac­tions you make on the site, the more mon­ey you can save on the trans­ac­tion fees.

One thing to keep in mind when choos­ing your e‑commerce web­site pack­age is that the cheap­er one can often cost you more in the end.

We admit that it is tempt­ing to focus on the most afford­able option on the mar­ket, but the truth is that the more you pay, the more you get.

For exam­ple, more exten­sive pack­ages can give you access to mul­ti-chan­nel inte­gra­tion and allow you to sell on chan­nels oth­er than your web­site, such as Insta­gram or Face­book. More expen­sive plans often pro­vide access to ana­lyt­ics data that will help you improve the con­ver­sion rate on your site.

More sales options often mean more oppor­tu­ni­ties to win new clients for your business.

Step 4. Website design or e‑commerce theme?

Got your domain name and sub­scrip­tion plan picked? It’s time to choose your web­site’s look.

All web­site builders on the mar­ket offer a large selec­tion of free and paid tem­plates that you can choose for your store. If you decide to use a ready-made theme for your web­site, you can devel­op it quick­ly with­out being a design or cod­ing expert.

These plat­forms often offer intu­itive drag and drop fea­tures for cus­tomi­sa­tion. Once you select a tem­plate of your choos­ing, you can go to your admin pan­el and start cus­tomis­ing: upload your logo, change the text size and font style, change the colours and the posi­tions of the var­i­ous sec­tions. Make it your own.

We under­stand that choos­ing an already built tem­plate is cheap­er and often more straight­for­ward than hir­ing a design agency to help you cre­ate your site. So, decide which path is best for your busi­ness’s cur­rent needs.

With e‑commerce tem­plates, there’s almost no room for cre­ativ­i­ty — you’re lim­it­ed to what the theme allows you to per­son­alise. Many web­site tem­plates on the mar­ket fol­low the same for­mu­la; most fol­low the same pat­terns and share a sim­i­lar look with few differences.

This pos­es the risk of mak­ing your store unno­tice­able, as it will look the same as oth­er stores on the mar­ket. Even worse, you run the risk of anoth­er busi­ness hav­ing pre­cise­ly the same web­site as yours.

If you decide to work with a ready-made theme, remem­ber that “com­plete” cus­tomi­sa­tion is not always com­plete. Before choos­ing a spe­cif­ic theme, make sure that it ful­ly meets your needs and you have access to the nec­es­sary func­tions. Each web­site theme is dif­fer­ent, and some come with more func­tion­al­i­ties than oth­ers. Do your home­work before buy­ing a par­tic­u­lar template.

Step 5. Focus on your conversion rate

The goal of any online store is to make as many sales as pos­si­ble, or in oth­er words, to have a good con­ver­sion rate. To achieve this, your web­site should look good, feel trust­wor­thy to your cus­tomers, and be real­ly easy to use.

Here are some things you can focus on that can help you build a good con­ver­sion rate right from the start:

Build good navigation

Nav­i­ga­tion is impor­tant for any web­site on the Inter­net, but if you have a large e‑commerce web­site, good nav­i­ga­tion is absolute­ly crucial.

The smooth process of nav­i­gat­ing your e‑commerce web­site is an absolute must to win online sales. Most web­site vis­i­tors will leave your site in sec­onds if they can’t find what they’re look­ing for or can’t fig­ure out how to get somewhere.

Make sure your web­site nav­i­ga­tion is easy to under­stand and acces­si­ble for all types of devices, from desk­top to mobile.

Mobile-first experience

Make sure your online store is just as easy to use on small mobile screens as it is on large ones. Nowa­days, most of us surf and shop online from our mobile devices, mak­ing it increas­ing­ly nec­es­sary to pro­vide seam­less mobile shop­ping for cus­tomers. Fail­ure to do so can seri­ous­ly dam­age your con­ver­sion rate.

Help your customer make decisions

In today’s fast-paced world, deci­sion-mak­ing is becom­ing increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult for many con­sumers. After all, in a mat­ter of a few sec­onds, we all have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to buy some­thing we want from the oth­er side of the world.

Reduce the choice paral­y­sis for cus­tomers by remov­ing all the dis­trac­tions on the way. Organ­ise your prod­ucts into rel­e­vant and spe­cif­ic cat­e­gories so that cus­tomers can pick which prod­ucts they want to see. Try offer­ing per­son­alised rec­om­men­da­tions for your vis­i­tors, so they don’t have to go through the deci­sion-mak­ing phase.

Pay attention to your photography

Many con­sumers in online stores pay more atten­tion to pho­tos. That is why the images used to adver­tise your prod­ucts must be of a high qual­i­ty, grab cus­tomer atten­tion, and present the prod­ucts in the best pos­si­ble light.

Step 6. List your products

The home page might be the store­front of your web­site, but your prod­uct page is what will con­vince your vis­i­tors to actu­al­ly buy a product.

Start adding the items you want to sell on your web­site, and make sure to include all the infor­ma­tion that can help your cus­tomers make the buy­ing decision.

In addi­tion to qual­i­ty pho­tos, make sure that your prod­uct descrip­tions stand out and are not unnec­es­sar­i­ly long. They should be easy to read and scan. Get cre­ative and show off what makes your brand and prod­ucts dif­fer­ent from others

Avoid using clichés or tech­ni­cal lan­guage that can con­fuse your audi­ence. Use strong words and make sure you meet the needs and prob­lems of your cus­tomers. Don’t talk about your­self and your com­pa­ny; talk about how your prod­ucts can solve problems.

Remem­ber to opti­mise your prod­uct descrip­tions for SEO as well. Use key­words and phras­es that can help you rank well on Google and cap­ture the atten­tion of your tar­get audience.

Be sure to add the price of the prod­ucts as well as the deliv­ery costs and terms.

Add anoth­er sec­tion with pos­i­tive cus­tomer reviews to encour­age users to make a pur­chase. Last­ly, add the cat­e­go­ry which the prod­uct belongs to and a sec­tion with sim­i­lar items to improve user experience.

Once you’ve set up your online store and made sure your web­site is secure, it’s time to pub­lish it.

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