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2 min read

Why do I need a WordPress website?

Key Takeaways

  • WordPress is a highly popular CMS used by over two hundred million websites on the internet.
  • It’s reliable and versatile, allowing for easy content management and maintenance without requiring extensive technical knowledge of website code.
  • WordPress takes care of 80-90% of your SEO concerns. So, all you need to do is create the content.

Word­Press is the most pop­u­lar CMS (con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem) on the plan­et. Around 20% of all web­sites on the Inter­net are built using Word­Press. Although this fig­ure may seem fair­ly low, but 20% of around one bil­lion web­sites world­wide equates to around two hun­dred mil­lion that are pow­ered by WordPress.

Word­Press start­ed out as a blog­ging tool. As demand grew, and busi­ness­es want­ed more options, it evolved into a full-blown con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem. Word­Press web­site now allows users cre­at­ing port­fo­lios, ser­vices pages, com­pa­ny overviews, and many oth­er com­mon­ly seen web page types.

If yours is not one of the 200,000,000 web­sites using Word­Press, it is pos­si­ble that your site is still using a pure HTML code-base. There­upon, it prob­a­bly means you don’t update it much, as the con­tent is buried in the code, mak­ing it more dif­fi­cult to main­tain. There­fore, your site is stag­nant, get­ting few views and slow­ly slid­ing down the search engine rank­ing pages.

This is where a CMS comes into its own as con­tent man­age­ment, in essence, does­n’t require any major cod­ing knowl­edge. When hir­ing an expert com­pa­ny, such as pur­ple­plan­et, they will allow you to build a web pres­ence unique to your com­pa­ny. As a result, you will have a Word­Press web­site which your admin­is­tra­tors can eas­i­ly main­tain with the user-friend­ly web-based interface.

The fact that Word­Press web­site is eas­i­er to man­age is one of the main rea­sons busi­ness­es are increas­ing­ly switch­ing to this pow­er­ful CMS sys­tem. Add new con­tent, or edit pages and posts in just a few clicks, with­out any exten­sive tech­ni­cal knowl­edge of web­site code. Access your Word­Press web­site admin area from any­where in the world, and col­lab­o­rate with oth­er admin­is­tra­tors in a full mul­ti-user system.

Word­Press is also the base for many pow­er­ful eCom­merce sys­tems. The sys­tem is mature and well-devel­oped and set­ting up an online shop in your cor­po­rate port­fo­lio is a breeze.

What is a content management system?

A con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem (CMS) is a web-based sys­tem used to man­age con­tent. It allows mul­ti­ple con­trib­u­tors to cre­ate, as well as edit and pub­lish to a web­site. Con­tent in a CMS is typ­i­cal­ly stored in a data­base, and dis­played in a pre­sen­ta­tion lay­er, based on tem­plates. This approach allows for effi­cient cre­ation of a stan­dard set of views, through which con­tent is pre­sent­ed, rather than hav­ing to cre­ate a dupli­cate of every lay­out for each page on the website.

Stan­dard fea­tures include:

  • Con­tent creation
  • Con­tent storage
  • Menu man­age­ment
  • Work­flow man­age­ment – add authors, edi­tors and admins and assign spe­cif­ic responsibilities
  • Pub­lish­ing – sched­ule con­tent for delayed or imme­di­ate publishing
  • Plu­g­ins
  • Themes

WordPress website & SEO


It’s a myth that HTML sites pro­vide bet­ter SEO (Search Engine Opti­mi­sa­tion), as Google’s Matt Cutts clear­ly demon­strates in this video. As can be seen, Word­Press web­site takes care of 80–90% of SEO, even with the most basic con­fig­u­ra­tion and it is a major rea­son beneath its ever-grow­ing popularity.

As always, your con­tent mat­ters, and there are many ways that SEO can be improved. How­ev­er, with Word­Press web­site you already have a head start on the competition.

Word­Press is an open-source solu­tion, there­fore it means that devel­op­ers can cre­ate themes or plu­g­ins and con­tribute these to the Word­Press com­mu­ni­ty. There are thou­sands of plu­g­ins and tem­plates avail­able. Skilled devel­op­ers can use avail­able theme and plu­g­ins to add your brand­ing and spe­cif­ic SEO requirements.

Take a look at the kind of Word­Press web­sites we’ve already cre­at­ed for many hap­py pur­ple­plan­et cus­tomers. Get in touch if you’d like to have a no strings attached chat about the pos­si­bil­i­ties for your web pres­ence. All things con­sid­ered, you won’t be disappointed!

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